View Full Version : Serious paint contamination

08-29-2017, 10:44 AM
Hi there, I have some major issues with contamination on my 2009 bmw 328.
The car sat outside for the last year pretty much neglected, with an occasional automatic car wash.
I had a lot of my detailing supplies stolen about a year ago, so I was getting pretty lazy with my washing upkeep.
Anyway long story short, the paint is rough on most parts of the car. When I say rough I mean like it's almost sandpaper rough in some areas, such as the roof.
I tried an automatic car wash and it just took off some of the surface dirt but the grime remained.

I then tried washing it, but the mitt going over the paint is totally rough as well. I tried to soap it and let it dwell then came back to it about 10 minutes later, no difference at all.
I then tried mothers clay bar, and it actually worked 80% in some areas such as the trunk. By 80% I mean it's smooth now but you can still see some contamination in the paint, like little white specks.
The roof was another story... as much as I tried to clay it, there was almost no improvement. the clay goes over like it's sandpaper, and since so much of the area has grime on it, the clay has little to grab onto.
I've read some posts about Iron X but I'm not sure how to tell if that will address this issue.

Thanks for reading!


Mike Phillips
08-29-2017, 12:03 PM
Sounds like the paint is as you say... neglected...

I'd recommend getting one of the Nanoskin Towels, get the medium and after washing and rinsing the car thoroughly.... then use your soapy water to run the towel over the paint and then rinse a second time.

The medium grade towels are very effective when used this way.


08-29-2017, 12:51 PM
Thanks Mike, I didn't even know it was possible to get the paint to this point or I would have taken better care of it.
I'll try the nanoskin towel.

09-06-2017, 12:59 PM
Hey Mike, just wanted to report that the towel worked perfectly! Holy cow.
Thanks for the accurate recommendation!