View Full Version : "In Case of Emergency" bug/bird poo cleaner.

Don M
08-28-2017, 08:03 AM
I was in a situation where I had several cars to detail, and it was in the middle of bug season. Of course my luck, I wasn't able to get the bug juice from the forum (bills come first) so I had to think of a plan.

I had a gallon of "Bug Cleaner" windshield washer fluid and in my research for bug removal tips, I came across using fabric softener sheets & water-which seemed to work really well. I thought: "What if I combine the two?" The wife doesn't use dryer sheets, but she does have liquid fabric softener. So I took a cap full of fabric softener, put it in a 32 oz spray bottle and filled the rest with the bug wash, washer fluid and shook well.

Travelling to and from the job site put more than a few bug on MY front end, so here went the test:

I sprayed the areas of concern with the mix, until it was dripping wet (front end, mirror fronts, windshield etc). Then like always I started with my tires and rims, letting the juice soak. Then I started rinsing off the car with a strong jet of water from the hose, saving the treated areas for last. When I hit those areas with the hose, the bugs all came off with just the spray of water, washing the areas with Gold Class shampoo and another rinse took care of any lingering bits - not that I could see any, and the Ult Fast Finish seemed to be untouched by the home made bug remover, it beaded up just like the day it was applied.

I also used the mix on a few bird bombs that had accumulated during the road trip and dried After letting them soak, they too came right off with no manual wiping or scrubbing.

Just thought I'd offer this up in case you ever find yourself in a buggy situation, with no "real" bug remover.

Paul A.
08-28-2017, 09:05 AM
Nice! A simple home made recipe too.