View Full Version : Last weeks cold temps

01-08-2008, 10:25 PM
Last week really sucked if you had to work outside. Here is what I can remember, wed was in the mid 30's and wind gust up to 35mph. Water was starting to freeze on the 65 mustang I was doing.Thurs, at 8:45am was 15 degrees, by 10am was 27 degrees and by 1pm was 36-38 degrees. Fri was in the 30's in morning, and went to mid 40's
My tank had a nice outer layer of ice, kind of like a cocoon. I looked in the tank on saturday. And the top was floating ice


01-08-2008, 11:21 PM
sorry to hear about the cold spell....out here in cali we are suffering in the 65-70 degree weather...... :cool:

01-08-2008, 11:24 PM
The weather has been kind of crazy all over Highend. Here in NJ it was in the teens part of last week, and yesterday and today it has been 65 to 67. Got to grab the good days when you can.

Gary Sword
01-09-2008, 02:07 AM
My wife and I had went up to Memphis a week ago Friday pulling an enclosed car trailer to picked up my Viper. Saturday morning there was heavy frost on my truck. It was the 1st time I had seen frost like that in years. I didn't have gloves or an ice scraper and I never thought about having to scrape ice before leaving south Florida. I used a credit card to scrape off the ice. We were very happy that we did not run into any ice storms going through Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia. Nothing like south Florida this time of year. It's easy to forget how bad it can be in other parts of the country during the winter months.

01-09-2008, 06:42 AM
Sunday and Monday we set all-time record highs at 60 and 64. It should be in the high 20's to 30's at this time of year. It's been raining and tornados have hit near the IL/WI border. Now were under flood warnings and watches. Everyone around here is freaking out because it's been so warm. We just know we're going to get nailed with some bad weather soon, afterall it is January in Chicago!:mad:

01-09-2008, 01:30 PM
My wife and I had went up to Memphis a week ago Friday pulling an enclosed car trail to picked up my Viper. Saturday morning there was heavy frost on my truck. It was the 1st time I had seen frost like that in years. I didn't have gloves or an ice scraper and I never thought about having to scrape ice before leaving south Florida. I used a credit card to scrape off the ice. We were very happy that we did not run into any ice storms going through Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia. Nothing like south Florida this time of year. It's easy to forget how bad it can be in other parts of the country during the winter months.That cold spell was nutz, I don't ever remember it getting that cold down here before, we had wind chill of 28-29 degrees with temp around 35. One of our neighbors at our place in Lake Placid had his large bird water fountain thing completely frozen over and broke the pump I think.

Just reminds me why the heck I would never live up north, no way I could put up with that weather 4-6 months out of the year lol.

01-09-2008, 04:28 PM
When I was part of a mobile detailing business, we would have a heater set up in the truck during the winter months (probably not safe). We were contemplating putting a small fishtank heater in the water tanks (90 gallons) but never got around to doing it.