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01-06-2008, 04:44 PM
I've got a few questions about polishing, so I figured I'd put them in one post.
Menzerna users:
Can I follow SIP w/ APO60 to remove any marring and give more gloss? I know 106 is recommended, but sometimes there are clients who don't want to spend 300 bucks. Or should I only polish w/ 106 then APO and when the owner ask why I didn't get more blimishes out, tell them because you didn't want to spend the money. LOL!
Does APO help remove the SIP or 106 polish residue left behind?
I polished a black GMC 1500 the other day and wax w/ Collinite 845. I went back to wash it Friday and it didn't get hardly any beading. It was cool when I polished the truck and I didn't do a ISO wipedown. Could the Collinite not of bonded?
When using SIP w/ blue EDGE wool, I got a great deal of correcting but w/ the expected haze. I then followed w/ white pad and 106. Does this sound okay or should I have done SIP w/ foam in between? The owner was very pleased.
Product Selections:
I work in south Georgia and it gets hot and humid here. I do most of my work outside so I sometimes need a polish routine that will work anywhere. Any suggestions?
Examples: Meg 83, 80, 66, LSP
Meg 83, 66, LSP
I really intersted in trying the System One polish. Has anyone used it in full sun?
Sorry for so many questions.

01-06-2008, 06:13 PM
I can't answer your questions b/c I have no experience with some of the products. Got APO60 on my list. Just have a little twist. One of our members is having good results with APO60/PwS 50/50. How about a test of 106FF/APO60 and get a bunch done in one step, (maybe)?

01-06-2008, 06:49 PM
IMHO, about the only thing the Sealing Wax will do is hide the marring... temporarily.

The 106 after the SIP would be fine, with a rotary and the correct pad/speed.

I guess the questions is.... did it work for you?

There are very few polishes that will work well in the direct sun on a hot paint surface. I would consider getting one of those portable canopies.

01-06-2008, 07:14 PM
I read that mixing some RMG with sip and nano stops the excess dusting and extends the working time of the polish a bit. I havent done it myself but I am curious about it. I would think the RMG would temp hide some of the blemishes in the paint and might not be a good idea. Any thoughts?

01-06-2008, 08:14 PM
I read that mixing some RMG with sip and nano stops the excess dusting and extends the working time of the polish a bit. I havent done it myself but I am curious about it. I would think the RMG would temp hide some of the blemishes in the paint and might not be a good idea. Any thoughts?

My understanding is Menz was designed to have no silicones in it..so they use glycerin and petroleum type emulsifier/lubricator

now adding RMG introduces silicone in the formula...I believe RMG uses a silicone oil sorta like whats used on tire shine products that are solvent based..not a silicone polymer but a silicone oil ..

I have been using Opt polish to help reduce dusting and works fine...they have no silicone oils in it as far as I was told...

If it is body shop safe it has no Silicone OILS in it...

some sealants do not bond well over RMG...

RMG is a great product for its intended use..but I am not convinced its a good mix for menz..even though lots use it....do a good wipe down if you do mix it with Menz


01-06-2008, 08:52 PM
i mix alittle optimum with my menzerna when it act up also.