View Full Version : Natty's Blue

12-24-2007, 10:52 PM
I finally used my PB Natty's Blue and was very pleased. Do you guys put the wax in a different container? I have been using the Megs paste in the larger can and it is much easier to spread on the applicator. I just wanted to see what other people were doing.

12-25-2007, 04:43 AM
I finally used my PB Natty's Blue and was very pleased. Do you guys put the wax in a different container? I have been using the Megs paste in the larger can and it is much easier to spread on the applicator. I just wanted to see what other people were doing.
Never felt a need for a bigger container.

12-25-2007, 09:16 AM
Never felt a need for a bigger container.

I am of the same verb. A bigger applicator means more product applied to me. Less is more when it comes to an LSP.

12-25-2007, 05:30 PM
Just turn the jar upside down, squeeze the side of the jar to hold the block of wax and apply over applicator of choice. I've got an idea, why don't they create a jar with a screw type bottom that lifts the wax from the jar? (like a lip balm stick?)

12-25-2007, 06:23 PM
I've got an idea, why don't they create a jar with a screw type bottom that lifts the wax from the jar? (like a lip balm stick?)

Or a deodorant bar? Just stole your GOOD idea. I do not understand the manufacturers stand point on something like this but your idea is something that I would consider a real plus for the consumers side.

I really do like your idea. Wish that I had some pull in the "WAX WORLD." If I did I would suggest, instigate, and implement such a thing to come about. Or as Captain Piccard would say, "Make it so."

12-25-2007, 07:01 PM
Perfectly fine where it comes. No need to change containers.

12-25-2007, 10:02 PM
I just used this product again and moved to a small microfiber applicator and it worked with no problems. I could go for the lip-balm container!

12-25-2007, 10:14 PM
Carnauba Wax Stick Kit - Waxes & Sealants - Waxing - Car Care - Griot's Garage (http://www.griotsgarage.com/product/11304.do)

Griots already beat you on the chapstick/deodorant container. Good thinking though. I have no problems whatsoever with any paste wax tins.

12-26-2007, 12:24 AM
I use a doctor's swab stick to scoop what I need up, and then spread it on my pad when I use the PC, if doing it by hand, I just dip my foam applicator with a quick swipe :D

12-26-2007, 03:48 AM
Carnauba Wax Stick Kit - Waxes & Sealants - Waxing - Car Care - Griot's Garage (http://www.griotsgarage.com/product/11304.do)

Griots already beat you on the chapstick/deodorant container. Good thinking though. I have no problems whatsoever with any paste wax tins.

Damn, not as smart as I thought I was. :o . I don't have a problem with the current way hard wax is sold although I also don't have a problem dipping my finger into a jar lip balm. Call me a creature of convenience.

12-26-2007, 03:19 PM
Griots is the only one I know of that offers a deoderant style wax, would be nice though if jars did as well. You usually end up wearing a circle shape in the middle that eventually makes it awkward/tough to get a thin even coat across the pad.

12-28-2007, 08:55 PM
Just turn the jar upside down, squeeze the side of the jar to hold the block of wax and apply over applicator of choice. I've got an idea, why don't they create a jar with a screw type bottom that lifts the wax from the jar? (like a lip balm stick?)Excellent, Get to work.