View Full Version : Black (what else) BMW X5 System One Polish

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Totoland Mach
12-20-2007, 08:25 PM
Finished this metallic black X5 using System One Polish and the X3 product. I tried to keep up with the time spent using this method and figured I am saving 25-30% in time because I only need 1 product to compound and polish. I eliminated the in-between power washes and X3 is getting very comfortable to work with.

Here is my starting reference:



After compounding and polishing. Note: the wheels and wheel wells were cleaned during the final washing.


I finished the vehicle with a coat of Meguiar's #26.




I've got a rougher X5 to start on (the trade-in to this one) and I'll record the hours saved using this product. Meghan, AutoGeek might want to consider taking on this line.


Tex Star Detail
12-20-2007, 08:28 PM
Looks great as usual!!!! Looks like that System One is working out nicely.

So, are you detailing Santas Sleigh? I think he painted it black just for you!

12-20-2007, 09:01 PM
Toto thats just insane on those reflection shots! Nice to see the system 1 working out for you. Have you always wool compounded with this system or have you used an aggressive foam pad yet?

Totoland Mach
12-20-2007, 09:37 PM
Toto thats just insane on those reflection shots! Nice to see the system 1 working out for you. Have you always wool compounded with this system or have you used an aggressive foam pad yet?

I'm still using the wool pads for compounding with System One. It's like any product in that you have to work with it for a few cars to get the "feel". I might give it a shot with a compound foam pad just to see what it does, but for now I'm going to stick with wool per their directions.


12-20-2007, 09:43 PM
I'm still using the wool pads for compounding with System One. It's like any product in that you have to work with it for a few cars to get the "feel". I might give it a shot with a compound foam pad just to see what it does, but for now I'm going to stick with wool per their directions.


Thanks for answering my question.

12-20-2007, 09:53 PM
amazing work TOTO (as always)

12-20-2007, 10:20 PM
Toto you are the master! Love it thanks for sharing!

Showroom Shine
12-20-2007, 10:27 PM
I'd heard about this not long ago. So I just ordered the polish and wax. I already have the 2 sided pad. Another early Christmas gift to me!

12-20-2007, 10:28 PM
As always TOTO you are the master. I got my systemone prokit and can't wait to give it a try.Just may be awhile before I can with the weather here.

12-20-2007, 11:50 PM
I now have a new product on my wish list. I'm calling them tomorrow morning!!!

Thanks for posting this sir!

Totoland Mach
12-21-2007, 06:01 AM
Thanks for the compliments folks!

Couple of tips for those of you that got/are getting the product.

1. The first time I used it, I had product sling everywhere! I wasn't used to the stuff and spread a line across a panel and wailed away. X3 is not a thick, pasty product...thin is in. I suggest you put a couple of circles of X3 on the pad and rub it all over the pad (use your hand and massage it in both directions of rotation...kind of priming the pad). Then, when you start the area you are going to work, use a smaller amount on the body panel. Use a spur when the pad feels clogged.

2. I like to start at 1,000 rpm on the rotary for a slow correction and the ability to "see" my work progress. When I'm ready for polishing with foam, I ramp up to 1,200 - 1,400 depending upon the car's finish and how it is reacting.

3. If you are doing the work indoors, it does dust...but it's way different from other products I've used. The dust (and any splatter you got on the vehicle) is very water soluble. I've used both a power washer and even a garden hose with spray nozzle to easily clean up.

What's really nice is being able to go back and use wool on an area that you've missed or didn't correct enough. I've done that a bunch on black cars and it really makes my life easier. When I used 3M stuff and missed an area, it was major work. With X3, I just go back to wool, correct the missed problem, and re-polish with foam...boom....done!


12-21-2007, 09:30 AM
Thanks for the compliments folks!

Couple of tips for those of you that got/are getting the product.

1. The first time I used it, I had product sling everywhere! I wasn't used to the stuff and spread a line across a panel and wailed away. X3 is not a thick, pasty product...thin is in. I suggest you put a couple of circles of X3 on the pad and rub it all over the pad (use your hand and massage it in both directions of rotation...kind of priming the pad). Then, when you start the area you are going to work, use a smaller amount on the body panel. Use a spur when the pad feels clogged.

2. I like to start at 1,000 rpm on the rotary for a slow correction and the ability to "see" my work progress. When I'm ready for polishing with foam, I ramp up to 1,200 - 1,400 depending upon the car's finish and how it is reacting.

3. If you are doing the work indoors, it does dust...but it's way different from other products I've used. The dust (and any splatter you got on the vehicle) is very water soluble. I've used both a power washer and even a garden hose with spray nozzle to easily clean up.

What's really nice is being able to go back and use wool on an area that you've missed or didn't correct enough. I've done that a bunch on black cars and it really makes my life easier. When I used 3M stuff and missed an area, it was major work. With X3, I just go back to wool, correct the missed problem, and re-polish with foam...boom....done!


Thanks for the tips TOTO !!! HAPPY HOLIDAY !!!!

12-21-2007, 11:33 AM

I recently purchased a HF rotary and it looks as if I'll be purchasing the System One kit as well! Thanks and happy Holidays!!!:buffing:

12-21-2007, 01:06 PM
It's just beautiful what you do to the paint. Hope that I get to watch you someday. Thanks for the tips.

12-21-2007, 02:46 PM
Just another notch in Master Totos' black belt.