View Full Version : What to do?

Excessive Detail
12-19-2007, 02:18 PM
Hey guys, hope everbody is having a good holiday and gettting all their shopping done safely, I'm stuck offshore and have to miss christmas, but I'll be gettin paid, anyway, I was going through my detail chemicals a few days again, trying to make sense of what I have, threw out some so I have an excuse to buy new stuff, and I came across a bottle of Megs. Pure Polish, and I was wondering what I can do with it, I know what it is normally used for, but I remeber hearing that some people mix pur polishes with swirl removers or compounds to help them have longer working times, whats your guys take on this, and what else could I use it for, thanks.

12-19-2007, 03:18 PM
Sorry to hear that you have to stay out there over Christmas. That's a tough one. I'll be thinking about you out there.
I don't know what the Megs Pure Polish is. Is it a chemical cleaner type? I know many on here have been mixing a chemical cleaner type or AIO with an abbrassive type polish to give the cleaner a little bite. I've read 75% cleaner/25%abbrassive and also 50%/50%.
There was a thread recently that showed how dirty a pad got that was used for a paint cleaner after he had already used polish for paint correction. I would have never guessed it.