View Full Version : Meguiar's Liquid Wax over M07 - Cloudy

08-08-2017, 07:21 PM
I am new to the forum... and what am I doing wrong!? I have a single stage paint that I have been trying to rejuvenate. I have tried Meguiars Ultimate compound, polish and wax, and they all keep going cloudy, with wisps of nice shine every now and again. I have recently tried Meguiars M07 and it really brought the paint back much better, however once I tried the ULW it clouded up. Do the two products not work together? Is there another wax I should be using instead of the ULW? I am applying with a foam applicator and using Simoniz micro-fiber towels to buff out, all by hand.
I am open to any advice!

Mike Phillips
08-09-2017, 06:07 AM
What are you working on?

Welcome to AGO!


08-09-2017, 06:38 AM
((I have recently tried Meguiars M07 and it really brought the paint back much better, however once I tried the ULW it clouded up.))

Hummm....from what I can gather from your description, your paint is "still too dry" to use a compound just yet.

Feed paint with megs #7 first. You gotta get a white terry cloth and really put your shoulder into the rubbing the megs into the paint. Let it sit for day or more. Then wipe off. By then paint should be fed or plumped up evenly all over.

Then you could either quit after wiping off megs #7 or do another step using a polish. I would skip the compounding stage altogether at his point.

I would use a machine when polishing. It makes things easier and gives a more uniform finish all over.

That's what I would do at first and see where it goes.

I'll try to find Mikes article on single stage paint using megs #7.


08-09-2017, 06:42 AM
There ya go...

Very, very good read!



08-09-2017, 09:24 AM
I am working on a 1970 Corvette, that doesn't have original paint, however the paint is about 25 years old. It doesn't look awful from far away, but I can see some cloudiness up close. Another thing that is frustrating is that every now and then through the cloudiness I can see clear spots that look good.
I bought a while back the Dewalt DWP849 but haven't used it yet, I don't even have pads for the thing. The M07 is bringing a good shine to the car, but the wax seems to bring it back to a foggy state. I don't want to go much further because I seem to be undo-ing all the good shine I have.

Mike Phillips
08-09-2017, 09:40 AM
Need good pictures


Mike Phillips
08-09-2017, 09:40 AM
Need good pictures


08-09-2017, 05:20 PM


Hope those work. Its hard to get a good shot of what I mean, but I tried again tonight and again, wax over the M7 doesnt seem to want to come off, it stays cloudy. Is there another wax I should be using?

08-10-2017, 03:04 PM
Would the wrong kind of buffing pad cause this? Or is it because I am hand waxing?

08-13-2017, 03:45 PM

The Guz
08-13-2017, 05:45 PM
Is it possible that not all of the M7 is being removed prior to applying ULW.

08-13-2017, 07:10 PM
Maybe, but how hard should I be buffing? I buffed until my heart rate was high haha. Once the car shined I figured I had gotten the product off. Once I applied the wax, back to a waxy finish

08-15-2017, 06:22 PM

These are the best photos I can get. You can kind of see the swirl cloudiness in the paint. It's more pronounced in person. This is after a good wash and chamois, I applied Meguiars Ultimate Wax using a foam applicator and buffed with a microfiber cloth. It seems like either the wax isnt sticking or some isnt buffing out, but the paint is smooth, there isnt a residue. I am seriously stumped and need any help!