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08-06-2017, 12:54 PM
I need to vent. I am feeling a bit beat at the moment. I am 40 years old, I made a choice years ago to not have children, always felt it was never in the cards for me. But 9 years ago my girlfriend Heather and I adopted a son, he has 4 paws and black fur and is know as "The Dude". Little guy is my world, my buddy, he means more to me than anyone or anything on this planet. I love him so much! When we got him he was roughly 3, couldn't ask for a better pooch. Shortly after getting him found out he had heartworm, got that taken care of. Sometime after that something went on and had to take the late night ride to the ER in Ann Arbor. This past February he was acting strange, another trip to the ER, he had an enlarged prostate. Besides this, a healthy dog.

Yesterday shortly after I went to sleep in the late afternoon, Heather woke me up and said that Dude appeared to have had a series of seizures, he couldn't even walk. We got him to the ER asap, they admitted him and kept him over night for treatment and observation. Talk to the doctor at 5 am this morning, everything was going better, but the Doc thinks something effected the right side of his brain, as he tends to sway/stumble to the left. We went and picked him up a bit ago. It kills me to see him like this, hard to believe less than 24 hours ago he was normal. We already have an appointment with a neurologist in the morning to get an MRI done, so we shall see.

Honestly I am preparing for the worst. So if you pray please include my little guy in there, we need everything at this point. Thanks for letting me vent, I don't keep many friends in person, but feel I got friends here on AGO. I already feel better just sharing this.


08-06-2017, 12:57 PM

You have my prayers and thoughts for the Dude, please keep us updated

Aaryn NZ
08-06-2017, 01:40 PM

Wow, man thats rough. My thoughts are with you my friend. The furry ones are definitely part of the family, we lost our 15 year old Bicheon last year & it left a massive hole.

All the best Dave.

Aaryn NZ.

08-06-2017, 01:51 PM
Hammer - thoughts and prayers are with "The Dude" Had to put down my beagle 15 years ago. But she is still remembered to this day. Now we have a daschund who is 13 years old and is showing his age. Don't know what we'll do when that day comes to put him down. Hoping "The Dude" will get better.

08-06-2017, 01:53 PM
i was in a similar situation a little over a year ago but with two so i know how you feel. hoping for nothing but the best...

08-06-2017, 01:58 PM
My wife and I don't have kids either but we also have 4 pawed family members. They really do become out best friends. Hoping for the best.

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Detail Oriented LLC
08-06-2017, 02:07 PM
Being lost is an understatement. It really hits home when its friends and famalies and our "kids"
I will be praying and whatever God's will be in this situation, I pray for peace for you, your wife, and Dude.

If there is anything in the world you need, don't hesitate to reach out

08-06-2017, 02:40 PM
I feel your pain. I have a 15 year old buddy, Kasey. He is beginning to have a hard time getting around, and started having accidents in the house. It breaks my heart. I tell people that there are only 3 things I care about dog car and wife. (Not a static order but currently correct)
Add a pic so we can all marvel at your pal.
Here is my buddy

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

08-06-2017, 02:45 PM
It's difficult to get your bearing in a time of crisis. Especially when time is of the essence.

I would try and schedule a consultation with Jill Tack of The Pet Beastro in Madison Hts. She might be able to direct you towards someone who does work similar to her that is closer to you.

She's done way more for our cats than the vet ever did.

The Pet Beastro - Feed better. Feel healthier. Live longer.The Pet Beastro | Feed better. Feel healthier. Live longer. (http://www.thepetbeastro.com/?v=93b46a3fc67d)

08-06-2017, 03:08 PM
My prayers go out to you, Heather and The Dude! I hope nothing for the best!

08-06-2017, 03:38 PM
It always kind of extra heart wrenching with an animal because you wish so badly they could talk back like a human, my hearts with ya! keep that chin up!

bill walsh
08-06-2017, 05:43 PM
prayers for you and family we lost 2 dogs in 6 months now16 year old dog having problems with heart and seeing

08-06-2017, 07:46 PM
Sorry to hear. It's a brutal thing to go through. My 8 year old Rott is dying of Lymphoma and I've been slowly watching him waste away. He is still a happy boy but I know the dreaded day will be here soon.

08-06-2017, 08:08 PM
You have OUR prayers and thoughts for the Dude.

Cherish the time you have with him and reflect on the joy he has brought to your lives and you his.

08-06-2017, 08:36 PM
Dave, this sorta sounds like something I went through recently with my Labrador... Google. ODV,. It's a vestibular condition that dogs can get. My dog recently went through it but it cleared up in a couple weeks. Total loss of balance. Swaying, leaning to one side. Eye twitching, head swaying, etc... sounds similar to what you described. Regardless, I hope for the best for your family and the Dude.