View Full Version : Payment Authorization forms??

08-04-2017, 02:00 PM
Hello. So I got a customer that is wanting to drop off 4 vehicles to me. I am in the process of making an payment authorization form for him to fill out and give it back for credit card use.

The reason why I am doing this is for charge back protection. I am wondering if anyone else here uses that and if anyone here has had any issues with a customer charging back the card after the service was completed?

I think that this is a good idea. I just dont know if it is common

also does anyone know of a good online authorization from that you can make and send to the customer that they can fill out and sign then email it back? I saw one online last night but I cannot find it again for the life of me .. it allowed them to sign with the finger on the phone and submit it.

08-05-2017, 07:42 AM
I always fill a vehicle inspection form with clients before starting a detail. I also take before pictures. Those saved me from problems once, client was trying to pull a fast one on me saying I damaged his colored clear bra. Photos clearly showed that it was in this condition before I even touched the car. As for payment authorisation, the last page of my inspection form explains the estimate for the detail, gives me a 2 hour wiggle rate in case of issues during the detail and explains the accepted modes of payment. And I won't work on a car unless the customer signs that.

08-05-2017, 01:16 PM
I always fill a vehicle inspection form with clients before starting a detail. I also take before pictures. Those saved me from problems once, client was trying to pull a fast one on me saying I damaged his colored clear bra. Photos clearly showed that it was in this condition before I even touched the car. As for payment authorisation, the last page of my inspection form explains the estimate for the detail, gives me a 2 hour wiggle rate in case of issues during the detail and explains the accepted modes of payment. And I won't work on a car unless the customer signs that.

ya I figured it would be a good idea. do you have a way for them to sign if they are not there? like I got a guy who is starting a small car lot and I have 4 vehicles coming and he is having them delivered to me. I emailed the form and he doesnt have a fax machine. What would you do in this situation.

08-05-2017, 03:58 PM
Make a point to get face to face with him so he can sign it for you.