View Full Version : Fusso coat dark vs collinite 476s vs fk1000p vs collinite 915

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08-04-2017, 07:17 AM
Which of these popular sealants/wax has the best

1. Durability
2. Looks

Comparing fusso coat dark, collinite 476s, fk1000p or collini te 915

Which is best overall?

08-04-2017, 08:36 AM
I've never used the Fusso, but have used all three others. As for durability, I think FK has a slight edge over 476 and 915. Collinite says on their web page that 476 lasts longer than 915, but 915 has more of a carnauba glow,especially on dark colors. My experience mirrors that, but the durability difference is minimal, IMO. BTW, FK is superb on wheels, lasting and protecting longer than anything else I've ever tried, short of a coating.


08-05-2017, 04:13 AM
Any other experiences?

I find it hard to fathem that such and old formula such as the collinites still hold up against (and mostly beat) today's potions

Isn't the fusso coat a new product?

how old is the fk1000p product?

08-05-2017, 05:01 AM
The fusso coat is absolutely terrible

08-05-2017, 07:20 AM
Which of these popular sealants/wax has the best

1. Durability
2. Looks

Comparing fusso coat dark, collinite 476s, fk1000p or collini te 915

Which is best overall?

I personally like/love Collinite 476 but have also used and enjoy FK1000P. On customer vehicles I use Collinite in the fall/winter for durability. I use FK in the summer for it's heat resistance. Both are excellent. Collinite tends to attract a bit more dust which is worth noting on solid dark paint.

08-05-2017, 08:36 AM
Fusso Coat 12 months has the most durability. Soff99, makers of Fusso 12 months, touts 12 month durability. It contains a fluorine derivative PTFE (what Teflon is made of in part). It's hydrophobicity is great. It is more of a sealant than a wax. You only need a thin (very thin) coat. Two thin coats 12-24 hours apart is best for durability. However, its shine is only fair compared to other products. FK1000 is very good, but not as hydrophobic as Fusso. I have not used 476, but I do like 915 for its shine/gloss. Fusso as a sealer and topped with 915 may provide the most durability and gloss. Just my opinion/experience - others may vary! Best of luck!!

08-05-2017, 08:50 AM
how old is the fk1000p product?



08-05-2017, 09:16 AM
FK1000 is actually a Marine product so is designed to stand up to life on the water so perhaps that's why it is so durable on automotive finishes.

STEP 3 Hi-Temp Paste Wax offered by Finish Kare Mold Release (http://www.finishkare.com/pr-STEP_3_Hi-Temp_Paste_Wax_60_14_2.htm)

08-05-2017, 09:50 AM
Which of these popular sealants/wax has the best

1. Durability
2. Looks

Comparing fusso coat dark, collinite 476s, fk1000p or collini te 915

Which is best overall?

Maybe buy all 4 and do a comparison, then share the results

08-05-2017, 10:25 AM
FK1000 is actually a Marine product
so is designed to stand up to life on
the water so perhaps that's why it is
so durable on automotive finishes.

A nearly similar analogy can be
made for Collinite #s 845/925... :dblthumb2:


08-05-2017, 10:38 AM
I feel like this is a shill thread? Who ever even heard of this fussco stuff? Seems like everybody bringing it up has 1 post, or at least less then 10.

Am I way off or what?

08-05-2017, 10:46 AM
I feel like this is a shill thread?

Who ever even heard of this
fussco stuff?

Seems like everybody bringing it up
has 1 post, or at least less then 10.

Am I way off or what?
IMO...(To paraphrase your wording):
You are way off.

Whether, or not, this particular thread
is a shill thread...Fusso has often been
discussed on this and Autopia's forums.


08-06-2017, 03:05 AM
I feel like this is a shill thread? Who ever even heard of this fussco stuff? Seems like everybody bringing it up has 1 post, or at least less then 10.

Am I way off or what?

Sorry not sure what a shill thread is, I'm new to this and from Australia

Anyhow, I'm serious about experiences on these

I do have all four products and tried all except fusso coat but on different cars so it's hard to get a read on which is better etc

I find the Collinite products looks good even after a few washes

The fk1000p looks good and beads well but on the car it's on seems to have lost a bit of its lustre after a few washes.

The fusso coat is still new in the tin. I want to try it but looking for a little feedback first (don't wanna remove Collinite 915 and replace with fusso if it don't look better)

08-12-2017, 03:48 AM
I washed my black ford xr6. Polished with autoglym super resin polish and then used fusso coat dark.

It was hard to buff off and looks like its a hard coating. Very slick feeling to it. Very glossy but different to fk1000p. It looks more like fk1000p than collinite.

Not really much depth to it but very glossy and very slick feeling.

I didnt wet it as i read somewhere not to wet for 24 hours.

Car looks good.

A few week ago i put collinite 845 on same car it. It looked beautiful, overall deeper looking than fusso coat.

Fk1000p looks similar to fusso coat, but after a few washes fk1000p loses its look. But still protects well

I used collinite 476 on a different car (also black) and also parked outside. That car looks like its just waxed and it was a month ago. That is an awesome product. Its had bird poop on it and just spray it off with a hose.

I also used collinite 915 on my show car that is a deep blue. That looks awesome but the car is garaged so dont know about its durability.

08-12-2017, 07:45 AM
I feel like this is a shill thread? Who ever even heard of this fussco stuff? Seems like everybody bringing it up has 1 post, or at least less then 10.

Am I way off or what?

Just a tad off
I have it..for paste sealants it's been the flavor of the month on the FB groups for a while.
I never did a side by side with it as I rarely use paste

To OP if you already have all them just try a fresh spot with all them, form your opinion..this is the only opinion that matters..
I have all them too, but my opinion most likely won't matter to majority