View Full Version : Cleaning carpet type material inner wheel arch

08-03-2017, 09:58 AM
Hi all

I've noticed a some brand new cars now have carpet like material instead of plastic as the inner wheel arches.

What would be the best way to easily clean and keep them looking new?


08-03-2017, 10:06 AM
I generally use McKee's 37 APC followed by a light brushing where needed and a good flow of water. I generally don't apply anything further to it as it's just the undercarriage and so long as it's clean it looks good.

08-03-2017, 10:06 AM
I dont know if it is the easiest way but this is what I do.

Brush them off while DRY, brush brush brush
Rinse them with a strong stream of water
APC or Degreaser and scrub
Strong stream rinse again.

If you need better cleanup then that you will have to go through with your fingers and pinch it all out.

08-03-2017, 10:07 AM
I use water apc, then brush. For narrow arches a toilet brush works well.
Rinse well
Then hit it with hydro blue or similar.

Audios S6
08-03-2017, 10:10 AM
For general cleaning I just pressure washer thoroughly.

For more intensive cleaning I do a dry brush with a carpet brush, apply APC, agitate with a brush and rinse with pressure washer

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08-03-2017, 11:52 AM
Clean as mentioned above. A powerwasher prewash is almost a necessity for severe dirt and mud.

Mothers Back to Black aerosol: Never used on fabric wheel liners, but have used on very tired/worn out looking plastic liners. B2B has a great darkening effect on the plastic. Almost like a black temporary paint. The aerosol would really be great for getting into the texture of the fabric.

Only downside to B2B aerosol is the horrible chemical smell. I used the product outside and I could smell the B2B for a very long time after using.