View Full Version : Car got Egged!

07-31-2017, 10:53 AM
Hey guys, my friends car got egged on Saturday. He hasn't done anything with it yet. I know eggs can do some really bad damage. What type of process should I use in order to remove them safely without causing any further damage?


07-31-2017, 10:55 AM
Either soak with a quick detailer or bug and tar remover then a thick layer of suds and wash

Sent from my SM-T550 using Tapatalk

Mike Phillips
07-31-2017, 01:02 PM

Start flushing, spraying water. Get the car wet like it's been sitting in the rain for a few day.

Then blast off any egg residue and shells, then wash as normal.

Any damage after washing and drying is a done deal.

Hope you don't find any of these...

Imprint Chips - Chips in the paint caused by a thrown egg (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/hot-topics-frequently-asked-questions/27807-imprint-chips-chips-paint-caused-thrown-egg.html)

When an egg is thrown at a car's painted panel, the force of the shell impacting and breaking up against the paint leaves a very specific type of chip pattern I call Imprint Chips.

Imprint Chips



Fixing Imprint Chips is very difficult because there are usually lots of them in varying sizes including very tiny chipped areas.


07-31-2017, 01:22 PM
my friends car got egged on Saturday

Start doing what Mike said...ASAP!


Those #$@&%*#-es, that did such a
heinous act, needs their #$@&%*#-es
dropkicked to #$@&%* and back!! :bat:


Ernie Mccracken
07-31-2017, 01:26 PM
Treat the spots like bird bombs. In a way, they are. Wash and decon asap.

07-31-2017, 01:30 PM
Along with what was mentioned above

Have your friend photograph the egg before it's removed and file a police report. If the damage is bad enough your friend may want to file an insurance claim.

07-31-2017, 04:20 PM
I see you found my thread.

I think egg white etched mine some too.

I ended up trying to compound the impact mark to reduce it appearance and cut through clear coat right next to it.

That was before I bought a DA and did it with Compound II, a wool pad, and drill. "I think I'll make just one more pass and stop" is what I told myself, then I saw blue paint on my pad.

I used Opti-Lens to protect it and it lasted till earlier this year. I put it on heavy and could still see the crosshatch high spots.


Just went out and took a pic. I don't think you can see it in the photo but I can still see the high spot pattern on it if I look just right.

Circled cloudy spot is where I cut through.


07-31-2017, 11:10 PM

Start flushing, spraying water. Get the car wet like it's been sitting in the rain for a few day.

Then blast off any egg residue and shells, then wash as normal.

Any damage after washing and drying is a done deal.

Hope you don't find any of these...

Imprint Chips - Chips in the paint caused by a thrown egg (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/hot-topics-frequently-asked-questions/27807-imprint-chips-chips-paint-caused-thrown-egg.html)

When an egg is thrown at a car's painted panel, the force of the shell impacting and breaking up against the paint leaves a very specific type of chip pattern I call Imprint Chips.

Imprint Chips



Fixing Imprint Chips is very difficult because there are usually lots of them in varying sizes including very tiny chipped areas.


Mike, Thankyou very much for responding! I immediately went through your process. When I was done and I rinsed it off. As the water began to run off, I started noticing those circle marks you posted of the impact marks. There was like 5 of them. I feel bad for the guy now. Luckily it's an older car, but still his paint didn't have many marks on it before this.

Thankyou for all your help Mike. Now if it ever happens to me, I can act immediately with the process you have shared.

07-31-2017, 11:14 PM
Along with what was mentioned above

Have your friend photograph the egg before it's removed and file a police report. If the damage is bad enough your friend may want to file an insurance claim.

Great Idea LEDetailing!
Thankyou very much for that! I would've never thought of it.

07-31-2017, 11:15 PM
Start doing what Mike said...ASAP!


Those #$@&%*#-es, that did such a
heinous act, needs their #$@&%*#-es
dropkicked to #$@&%* and back!! :bat:


LOVE the statement at the end Bob! ��