View Full Version : Thankfull for this forum

07-18-2017, 04:02 PM
I just want to express my aprreciation for this forum. You guys have been noting but classy and helpful. No bickering or talking bad towards one another. Yesterday I had a bad experience on the Detailing 101 by Autogeeks facebook group. I had posted a picture of my business flyer, but covered up my prices. I asked the group to tell me what they would charge for my 3 different options. I mentioned in the post that on a later date we could discus the serives I offered in each package.

My post was recieved with little help and much downgrading me and my business. I let the post go 5 hours without checking comments. When I checked it there was 26 comments. 90% which were negative and with foul language. But there were a few (very few) that actually answered my question and offered sincere advice. If any of you were the few who helped me I just want to say THANK YOU.

I deleted the post as soon as I read the comments. I couldn't take anymore of the negativity. I am just a regular guy that was hoping to get help. When I read all those comments it really got to me. It made me rethink whether it was even worth it to start my business. Maybe I am just to soft hearted and thin skinned. I wear my emotions on sleeve and everyone can see them.

I thought about it all night, and have pondered it all day today. I am not going to let them guys who were negative get to me. I am going to revamp my flyer and re word it a little. I will trust God that He will bless my business and that if it is not His will for me to have this business He will open up another door for me to make a living.

AZ Mike
07-18-2017, 04:17 PM
The positive attitude on this forum is what makes it great. Next time, post here. Most will give constructive criticism.

Corrinne Mckeel
07-18-2017, 04:24 PM
I am glad to know that you feel the same way. :)

07-18-2017, 07:03 PM
Daniel, good points. Regarding pricing, that's a tough subject because on this forum alone, it spans so many geo locations, not just across North and South America, but Europe, Asia, Middle East and I bet if there were vehicles on Mars, folks would be posting from there too! :)

Because of this, the only advice I can give about starting your own business is "do it!". There are many rewards beyond just detailing. Being a proprietor will help you in other aspects of your life regardless of what the business is. Maybe thicken the skin a bit when you have a tough customer and have to apply customer service skills, or teach you some skills to apply elsewhere. There are certainly tax benefits to having a small business.

Secondly, if this is a part-time business (while keeping your day job), then you can afford to craft what it is you really want to do, and take the clients you only want to take. Because of this, you can afford to have your prices on the "boutique side" and make the effort and results worth your time. If it's a full time business, best thing is to pick the highest rated detailers in your area and comp your package prices similar to them, with similar offerings. Competition is good, but undercutting the other guys in the biz is bad for the economy (everyone).

Most on this forum take the time to write brilliant posts and articles so that it is a very professional atmosphere. I've found that most everyone is here to help others be better detailers.

07-18-2017, 07:59 PM
Excellent post (as always) by Paul above.

And I have always found this forum to be amazingly accommodating to new & old members alike.

I've been on Ram-specific forums, and a few others. The atmosphere there is to belittle and be the biggest/baddest A hole. Horrible.

Here on AGO, I believe everyone is different in a way (different rides, preferences, likes, methods, products). But we all have a common goal. Great looking rides, the dedication to keep them as such, and a desire to help others to do the same.

Paul A.
07-18-2017, 08:08 PM
Sorry you had that experience, Daniel, but like has already been said, you'll find a different atmosphere here on the forum.

Additionally, don't let the negatives on Facebook turn you away from something you enjoy and want to thrive at.

07-18-2017, 08:16 PM

Keyboard cowboys with no repercussions for their negative comments.

If they spent half the time trying to better themselves instead of tearing at everyone else, maybe they could move out of their parents basement and meet an actual girl. :cool:

07-19-2017, 08:00 AM
I'll preface this with...I don't/haven't post much this past year but I do read daily.

I've never seen any forum that is as 'kind' as this one. Guys (and gals) will get into a heated disagreement and somewhere long the line something will get misunderstood...and soon one reads an apology!

That, to me is one of the great thing about THIS group. Grownups talking and not bashing.

Just my 2¢...


07-19-2017, 08:19 AM
That sucks mate. Sorry to hear that. As the above posters have mentioned, the guys on this forum are great and super helpful. Im a fairly new member but I find myself contributing more and more to the forum because I feel that its a judgement free, comfortable space to recieve constructive criticism. The behaviours you describe from the facebook group suprised me... a huge contrast to what you get on the forum. Besides, the people who decided to belittle you are most likely not satisfied with themselves so who really cares what they have to say, meaningless cr**.

Post any question you have to the forum and there will usually be plenty of people who can help out. :props:


Mike Phillips
07-19-2017, 09:17 AM
Just to chime in...

I am what you call a forum guy. I've been active on forums and have owned my own active forum (in the past), since forum software was invented. In fact, I have an article (http://tinyurl.com/ycrekxxm) on the history of discussion forum software.

I love GOOD discussion forums. I belong to a number of good discussion forums that have nothing to do with car detailing and the reason I like them is because if I need help with something the regular members are nice people and willing to answer questions with helpful and accurate information. That's what makes a discussion forum good. It's nice people willing to help others. Not talk down to them, not use foul language not be a forum bully.

When I came to this forum from MOL there were a few forum bullies that were regulars here on AGO. They were kindly shown the exit door. Since then the entire atmosphere of this forum changed for the better. It is now a forum made up of nice people that are willing to help others be successful with their car detailing projects or their car detailing business.

I wouldn't belong to or hang out on a forum filled with jerks and from my own experience, that's a lot of what's out there. A forum needs leaders that lead by example to set the tone of the forum. So when you visit a forum that's filled with bullies, experts and down right jerks, remember it all starts at the top.

My two cents...


07-19-2017, 09:08 PM
I have always appreciated the fact that when a new person asks a question here they are given answers to their question. On many other forums the new person is hit with several "try the search function noob!" Talk about an ignorant way to introduce someone to your forum. To me that is as good as the middle finger salute to the the new person. Yet the forum mods and operators are probably wondering why they can't build their forum membership.

07-20-2017, 12:01 AM
Yesterday I had a bad experience
on the Detailing 101 by Autogeeks
facebook group.

My post was recieved with little help and
much downgrading me and my business.

I let the post go 5 hours without
checking comments. When I checked
it there was 26 comments. 90% which
were negative and with foul language.

It sure would be nice to have the
"nattering nabobs of negativism"(~Agnew)
totally eliminated from posting their
drivel on "social" media.

•Bob Barker had that famous sign
off axiom that, I believe, went some-
thing along the lines of:
"Sprayed, and therefore: neutered".


Yes: An apropos solution for those FB-clucks.
