View Full Version : Removing Spots on Plastic

07-16-2017, 10:07 AM
I am needing some help on removing spots on gloss black plastic. We purchased a new sea doo and had it out on July 4th and during that time someone was applying Off Bug Spray or Spray Sun Tan Lotion and it got on our ski. Now all of our black plastic is spotted and ruined. I tried using some marine products: spot removers and cleaners but no luck. I tried using some rubbing compound on a microfiber rag and it seems to work but is too abrasive and leave scratch marks. Obviously these parts are too small to use any buffing machines so it will have to be done by hand. Any help on what polishing products that would work would be appreciated.

07-16-2017, 10:31 AM
I would try Meguiars 205 fine polish. I routinely use it on plastics to remove scratches and containments. First clean well, maybe even clay bar.

07-16-2017, 11:17 AM
Flitz works great on plastic. I've used it on black plastic with a PE8 rotary and it came out nice. Go to the AG store and follow 'shop by brand' to Flitz. Go there and check out the video Mike Phillips made with the company rep.

07-17-2017, 07:36 AM
Has anyone tried a product called Novus Plastic Polish ?

07-17-2017, 01:15 PM
I have had GREAT success with smooth peanut butter and a toothbrush for old dried wax on black plastic. No joke! McKee's wax remover for plastic did nothing while Jif saved the day. Not sure it will take care of your problem but worth a try.


07-17-2017, 07:08 PM
You didn't mention if you were in salt or fresh water.

Salt water wreaks havoc with plastics if not washed off daily.

07-18-2017, 08:39 AM
Fresh water only, always washed after riding. However these spots were from some kinda spray so it actually etched the plastic..........So last night I started with Meguiars PlastX on a foam pad and that did not go well. Scratched like crazy. I ditched that for some of the new Griots Garage Correcting Cream on a 3M foam pad with drill adapter. This seemed to do the trick after applying moderate pressure to the pad and making 3-4 passes on the plastic. I would say it looks 90% better than it did. The only plastic that would not polish was the clear yellow hood deflector so I will have to order one. I followed it up with WG Ceramic Coating for added protection - hopefully this doesnt happen again.