View Full Version : Pad size

07-14-2017, 03:38 PM
I am a newbie, I recently purchased a flex 3401 and was about to start investing in pads, I was wondering what size and what pads would be good to start off with until i get a supply built up. i am leaning towards LC hybrid 6.5 maybe a orange, white and black ? just wasnt sure if i should get the smaller flex plate with 5.5 pads?

07-14-2017, 03:46 PM
With the 3401, u don't have to worry about stalling so you have more freedom of pads. I'd say 5 inch as they can get in tight spaces better but 6 inch to cover more ground. I'm not sure what u are working on (personal or business) I was a huge 6 inch guy but now only run 5 inch pads daily

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07-14-2017, 03:49 PM
Right now until i get some experience its all personal, just family and friends.

07-14-2017, 04:19 PM
Go with 5 inch as Mike would tell you it makes it easier with the body lines for a vehicle. The 5's are more versatile and then later on when you can invest in multiple polishers you can have various sizes. I started with a 5" and now I have a 5" and 6" polisher and am about to by a 3" and possibly a Nano for 1".

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07-15-2017, 07:45 AM
Hi, welcome to AutoGeekOnline!

The factory plate on the 3401 is suited for the larger 6.5" pads. If you want to run the smaller 5.5" pads you will need this plate.
FLEX XC3401 Mini 4.5 inch Backing Plate, FLEX (http://www.autogeek.net/flex-xc3401-mini-backing-plate.html)

I would pick up the smaller plate along with the 5.5" Hybrid pads.
Lake Country Hybrid Power Finish 5 Inch Foam Pads (http://www.autogeek.net/5-inch-hybrid-pads.html)

The smaller plate/pads will be easier to handle and allow you to work on modern cars as they feature many curvaceous panels.