View Full Version : I am an advanced car washer

07-14-2017, 10:32 AM
After spending some time on this forum I have come to the conclusion that I am am not a DETAILER. I am a "glorified car washer."

But I take pride in what I do. I am proud of the small buisness I have started and working to expand.

Reasons for not being an actual 'detailer".
1) I realize I do not have the skills yet for major paint correction.
2) My target group of people are not concerned with high end detailing.
3) The small towns I operate in would rather have a clean car, rather than a detailed car. They want to get all they can for as cheap as they can.

I have a small mobile business. I offer 3 different packages. In my cheapest package I offer a basic wash/vac service which also includes windows, tries dressed. My middle package is a more indepth cleaning inside and out with a spay wax. Then in my higher end package I do a premium interior/exterior. I will clay bar the exterior and apply a machined wax. But no correction work. Notice I use the word premium instead of full. I do this so people are not confused in the fact that i do not offer correction work.

So when you see me post in the forum please do not make fun of me for being a "car washer" instead of a detailer!

07-14-2017, 10:37 AM
Welcome back online. You don't have to worry about impressing anyone here, we're all the same.
What kind of wax do you use when you machine apply?

Mike Phillips
07-14-2017, 10:38 AM
I started out as a hack car washer...

We all have a starting point...


07-14-2017, 11:01 AM
Im about in the same boat as you, except for I just do it as a hobby. I think it's not just a small town thing - I live in Chicago and its the same way. Even if you go to the wealthier suburbs - you see Range Rovers, Porsches, Mercedes, ETC going to the "Touchless" car wash, where they pay guys with dirty rags to finish dyring the car at the end of the wash. Most people I see just want a shiny car with clean windows and clean interior. I used to be one that disliked swirls, but thought they were just part of life... then I found this forum, and learned more and more.... now swirls drive me nuts. I guess ignorance is bliss, sometimes :)

07-14-2017, 11:46 AM
I started out as a hack car washer...

We all have a starting point...


Ha! I thought I was doing it right for years, come to find out I was a hack also hahaha.

We all have that moment we change our methods drastically. We all have room to improve, always.

07-14-2017, 11:52 AM
I am a hobbyist, only recently have I been getting practice and guidance on paint corrections. Not a detailer either imo.

The term paint corrections gets thrown around like a hot potato these days it seems. I asked a local competitor(he didn't know it) how "perfect" he tries to get his customers cars prior to installing his coating package, he said 80% or so. I told him straight up, 80% is not a paint correction. But to him is is, and to his customers it must be because he has been around for some time.

You sound humble, and that is a very good thing to be. You also aim to please the majority of your clientele, another good thing. :)

Happy car washing! haha

07-14-2017, 03:22 PM
Do you want to learn to do paint correction? I find it very rewarding. And its fun.

If you do want to learn, start on your own car. When some people see how amazing your car shine is, they want that too. That's how it went for me. Then you can make some more money by offering more services.

Heck one day, I may move into paintless dent removal or wet sanding ( I don't offer wet sanding.)

07-14-2017, 03:34 PM
Eldorado2k - I use Detail Supply Warehouse. It is a company here in my state of Oklahoma. I use their products becasue it is a company from my state and in my advertising I mention that when my customers support me they are also supporting another Oklahoma company. Keeping our hard earned money in our own state. I know there are way better products out there though!!!

KirkH - yes I want to learn! But I am scared to death! I have no idea why thought!!!! I learned to machine wax on my own vehicle and people even noticed the difference that made.

07-14-2017, 03:50 PM
yes I want to learn! But I am scared to death! I have no idea why thought!!!!

I'm where you are right now, and in the process of standing up a small side-business. I'm exactly where you are when it comes to paint correction. I have a good handle on the theory, and exactly zero hands-on practice or skill.

So yesterday I bought the cheap DA from Harbor Freight. I'm getting a LC backing pad and some LC foams, some compound, some polish, and I'm going to start learning to apply what I've been watching and reading about.

If I could suggest something to a fellow to-be paint corrector: I called all of the metal and scrap places today until I found one that said I could show up and buy some scrap car body parts for cheap. So Monday (I work my FT gig this weekend) I'm going out there to pick up a black panel that has good enough paint that I can screw with it. Maybe a red one and a blue one too, if they're affordable enough. And I'm going to go to town on that sheet metal until I get good enough that I feel like I can offer it as a service. Will I be at 100% all the time on all kinds of paint? Nah, not remotely, especially at first. But I'll be able to do a good, safe job on most late model cars.

Conveniently, I also just bought a temporary vehicle for my wife to drive due to hers requiring some extended shop time. It's a white 2001 Camry that looks about as good as you could expect when I say they MIGHT have run it through an auto-mat once or twice over the years. And I'm gonna go to town on that thing as soon as I get a feel for how the buffer...buffs. Then I'm going to work on my personal CR-V.

I guess I'm saying: get some sheet metal and get good! We aren't gonna learn without doing. :)

07-14-2017, 04:16 PM
Hey OP, no need to classify yourself on anything. You're a human, on earth, trying to live love and die happy! Awesome for you. Keep up your business!

07-14-2017, 05:01 PM
You're business model fits your clientele, nothing negative about it. For your premium package, instead of using a machine wax, use an AIO like HD Speed. Voila, you are now correcting paint without doing anything different.

Klasse Act
07-14-2017, 05:26 PM
OP, I see nothing wrong with how your going about things and if your a younger guy you've got plenty of time to learn how to correct if/when that service is available. You may think the people don't want that but it doesn't hurt to explain to them what swirls are and what they've done to their finish, in time you'll get there, practice makes perfect.

I look at it like this, people don't have thousands of dollars for a new paint job but would be willing to spend a couple hundred extra to have their paint dramatically improved, much cheaper and quicker than a paint job or a new car note, that's my .02 cents.

07-14-2017, 07:33 PM
Junkyard hoods and trunk lids are great to practice on.

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