View Full Version : Optimum Gloss Coat?

07-13-2017, 05:13 PM
I am pretty sure I read somewhere that if I polish with Menzerna products I might have a problem with the gloss coat not adhering properly. If this is true I just went out and bought some Dupli-color grease and wax remover and also have just received Optimums panel wipe. So if after polishing my car and use the Dupli-Color grease and wax remover for a wipe down and then hit it again with Optimum's panel wipe I should be okay with the gloss coat adhering properly correct or am I still going to have a problem.

07-13-2017, 05:34 PM
You should be fine with just optimum paint prep

07-13-2017, 05:37 PM
Thank for your help

Klasse Act
07-13-2017, 05:49 PM
When my buddy talked to Optimum they suggested hyper polish and nothing else before applying GC and the car came out stunning.There's a thread for it under GT350 if you wanted to see what we all did there.

07-13-2017, 06:10 PM
I have used GC many times and have it on my truck, but I do typically use Hyper Polish prior to applying GC. I have use Menz for years but have slowly moved away from them. I would suggest doing 2 wipe downs with OPT panel wipe. No need for the duplicolor stuff. Would hate to possibly mare your paint after polishing it for many hours.

07-13-2017, 07:06 PM
I used Menz 3800 as a final polish before Gloss Coat.
I did a wipe down with Griots paint prep followed by a wipe down with Eraser.
I used 4 or 5 towels for each wipe.

Maybe more work with Menzerna but as a hobbyist I don't have to worry about time crunches.
There is something about 3800 I can't let go of. Essence and Hyper-polish are pretty darn close.

But if you have Optimums paint prep just use that and a lot of clean towels.
Now I only use Optimum. I didn't have their paint prep at the time for my personal car.

07-13-2017, 07:10 PM
What happens is because glosscoat doesn't sit on top but cross links with clearcoat, menzerna can cause some issues. The reason is clearcoat has pores, and polishing oils will sit inside the pores when the paint expands due to heat. However when with menzerna, it's an extremely oiley polish so when the paint cools down and the pores close, there's a lot left even after paint prep wipe down. With hyperpolish, the oils don't clog the pores and so panel wipe will actually get it all. That's why hyperpolish is recommended. That being said, any water based polish will work great as well.

07-15-2017, 09:13 AM
Thanks Will, that puts everything into perspective.
I guess I will be rethinking the Menz approach.

With that said about Hyper-polish, how would Essence play this out?

07-15-2017, 01:42 PM
I used Wolfgang polishes, used Optimum paint prep done........