View Full Version : Paint Blemish Help

07-05-2017, 06:59 PM
Hi everyone

I recently removed the b-pillar tape (on my vehicle it was tape, on others I know its a black plastic/panel). But unfortunately on the left front door I was left with the discoloration shown in the pictures below. At first I thought it was left over adhesive residue, and I tried the turtle wax adhesive remover, and Goo Gone, and neither did anything; Since then i've tried polishing compound, waxing, even using a rotary buffer on it with no difference. It is smooth to the touch if you rub your finger over it; someone told me chances are the blemish is in the paint, under the clear coat, and i'm pretty much stuck with it....

Any advice would be appreciated.

07-05-2017, 07:07 PM
I'd agree. I recently debadged a silver Inifiniti G37 and the adhesive left stains on the paint. I wet sanded it down until it was almost unsafe to sand anymore and couldn't get rid of the blemish. I think your adhesive did the same thing.

07-05-2017, 07:08 PM
If you tried a rotary with a compound with no results, I guess it's under the clearcoat and you need to tape it back up again.