View Full Version : HD Polish+.....?

07-03-2017, 08:47 PM
Is the cut that much more dramatic than the old version? I saw 30% but first hand experience would be great, thanks!

07-03-2017, 09:48 PM
Is the cut that much more dramatic than the old version? I saw 30% but first hand experience would be great, thanks!

I've gone through over a gallon of HD Polish+ since last summer.

First of all, HD Cut+ may or may not have a bit more cut that HD Cut, but it's still hard to remove, it gums up my pad, and cuts more like a medium cut polish than a compound.

That said, they NAILED the HD Polish+ reformulation. A lot of guys were actually getting dusting from the original HD Polish which lead to shorter working times and dusting.

But HD Polish+ is virtually dust free, it's the only polish I own (other than Scholl Concepts) that will not dry up and become a pain to remove on an extremely hot hood, it stays lubricated and wipes of nearly as easy as HD Speed on both soft and hard paint (if it doesn't you are using too much).

What's great about HD Polish+ is it's versatility. It work better than anything on heavily oxidized single stage paints. On clear coat, As long a you use a few VERY small drops and you DON'T prime your pad you can do 4 passes or 8 passes and it'll always finish the same and remove incredibly easy.

Polish+ is the only polish I use that isn't made by optimum that works incredible on oxidized rubber and plastic trim without staining.

It smells great.

Level of cut is completely pad dependent.

It's ideal for rotary and large-stroke machines because it's tolerates heat so well

Most of all, because it utilizes non-diminishing abrasives it cuts as long as you need it too

It will never clog your pad (if it does you're using WAY too much product)

Unlike menzerna that is oily and can be a pain to remove cleanly, HD Polish+ is heavily lubricated yet when you wipe it away there are never any residual oils.

There isn't another polish like it. If you haven't tried HD Polish+ you are seriously missing out. In my opinion.haha

07-03-2017, 10:11 PM
I agree, love HD polish+. My go-to polish before LSP.

07-04-2017, 10:41 AM
I recall reading comments or maybe video from HD that said the + was geared more towards elimination of dusting, but I never encountered a dusting problem with the old version, and I deal with the warm weather issues here in SoCal as well. Ease of removal and non diminishing has always been a huge benefit of HD Polish as a finishing polish.

07-04-2017, 10:51 AM
In my opinion.haha

Hey, thanks so much for all the insight! Extremely helpful. You totally made my purchase decision all the better. Supper stoked to try it now. Thanks

07-04-2017, 01:41 PM
Hey, thanks so much for all the insight! Extremely helpful. You totally made my purchase decision all the better. Supper stoked to try it now. Thanks

Same here, thanks guys! I have a bottle that I am planning on using soon. Good to know I chose wisely ;)

07-05-2017, 01:53 AM
HD polish+ is awesome. It finishes out awesome and can do some major correction as well. I had a hood covered in etched water spots a while back that I corrected with polish+ and an orange lc pad. I love how it doesn't dry up and that it's ridiculously easy to wipe off. One swipe of the towel and it's gone off the surface.