View Full Version : Question on cleaning/protecting silver

07-01-2017, 07:23 PM
So I have a silver bowl that was tarnished badly. I got a great amount off but it still needs some slight cleaning. After that is all done I'd like to protect it. Before I get the questions on "who cares about a bowl?" question, this is my grandmothers bowl that was giving to her for a hall of fame. She has dementia, had for several years, and it has now gone south fast. Basically it's just a waiting game now till she goes, sucks badly. My grandfather wants this bowl to be used for something during funeral.

if you guys can recommend any other cleaning processes to help with the fine tuning of it, plus products on cleaning and protecting that be great. Since I am on a tight time frame, if you can recommend anything OTC at auto stores that be perfect.

Thank you

07-01-2017, 07:51 PM

The only recommendation I can give you comes from my polishing of my wedding ring. I don't like the look of gold, so mine is sterling silver. (Not white gold.)

What I do is use Flitz metal polish. I made a little rig from a 3M sanding disc base, put tape around it to fit my ring, and insert that in my drill. I put a few dabs of the Flitz on a soft cloth and spin my silver ring at high speed over the first dab, buff it, second dab, buff etc.

The results I get are great. The ring gleams like crazy.

I know a ring isn't a bowl, but that's all I have in comparison.

Audios S6
07-01-2017, 10:12 PM
I have used meguiars m205 with a microfiber towel on silver plated utensils and serving-ware successfully. Not sure about protecting though.

07-01-2017, 10:20 PM
You need to be careful with the bowl because too aggressive an approach will damage the plating. Here's a link to a technique that I've used with silver plated dinnerware & it works well, but I let the water cool a bit after boiling before putting the silver onto the aluminum foil. The water will turn murky but that's the tarnish; I'd let it soak for a shorter time rather than longer since you've removed some of the tarnish already.
