View Full Version : Why did the clear coat fail like this?

Ernie Mccracken
06-24-2017, 11:09 PM
From a distance, this looks like staining from applying too much window cleaner or something. Up close, all these drips caused localized crows feet. What do you think could have happened?


06-24-2017, 11:13 PM
Extremely hard water drips? Do you live near or park by industrial parks?

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06-24-2017, 11:21 PM
out of curiosity, what type of car is it?

Ernie Mccracken
06-24-2017, 11:56 PM
out of curiosity, what type of car is it?

Jeep Cherokee. I don't think they had notoriously bad clearcloat like Hondas or anything.

06-25-2017, 12:37 AM
What do you think could have happened?

This type of breaking down of the paint
matrix could be due to (over the course
of time): excessive exposure to UV-rays,
extreme changes of temperature, and/or
contaminates-laden moisture (RE: drips).

-An improperly constituted re-spray
can accelerate this condition.
(Even new vehicles can sustain
damages, requiring a paint job
somewhere along the line, prior
to Customer pick-up.)


06-25-2017, 05:41 AM
Probably stuff left on the unprotected paint for a long time

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06-25-2017, 06:34 AM
It might be from bird droppings that dripped down the paint and were left to bake on for days or weeks at a time. I've seen similar lines like that on cars that got hit with lots of bird bombs.

06-25-2017, 10:15 AM
It might be from bird droppings that dripped down the paint and were left to bake on for days or weeks at a time. I've seen similar lines like that on cars that got hit with lots of bird bombs.

Yeah, it kind of looks like that. Maybe overnight heavy mist that caused it to run.

06-25-2017, 10:42 AM
Bird poo