View Full Version : Detail Sprays --- How do you use?

06-24-2017, 12:04 PM
I am just starting to use detail sprays between washes, so I wondered:

Do you apply/use to clean exterior glass?
Do you use to clean wheels?

Do you wipe in straight lines with the mf towel? Or circular?
What level of pressure do you use with mf towels in initial wipe off of detail spray and the final wipe?

i understand the technique of frequent towel surface changes to avoid scratching, etc. just curious iabout the above or any other tips you have learned for the best use of detail sprays.

Thanks! David

06-24-2017, 12:15 PM
What particular detail spray[s] are you using?

06-24-2017, 12:40 PM
What particular detail spray[s] are you using?

Trying different ones...I used DG921 today. WG spritz last week.

you have a preference?

06-24-2017, 01:00 PM
you have a preference?

I like Wolfgang Uber mixed at waterless dilution and also Meguiars Last Touch. The Britemax Spray & Shine works very good as well.

As far as cleaning the glass with the same detail spray, yea it works fine for the most part, a good choice of towel is a bigger factor when it comes to getting good results on glass.

As far as wheels, as long as they're not too dirty they can be taken care of as well, I prefer to spray the towel and give the wheel a quik wipedown, flipping to a clean dry side for the final wipe. I only wipedown wheels with my grade D microfibers though, not the good ones I would use on the paint.

06-24-2017, 01:24 PM
As far as technique, I've found when it comes to using "detail spray" it's best when it's used frequently [in between weekly washes in a perfect world] because that in turn means you're working on a minimally dusty surface. Even then, I tend to go the cautious route and make sure to spray liberally + give my towel a couple of sprays... After that I pretty much wipe away without worries because I've already made it safe by spraying enough product to ensure proper lubricity.

Straight lines not circular. But that doesn't mean I'm afraid to touch the paint. Keep in mind that a good recent coat of protection/lsp will greatly aid in the ease of your ability to safely wipedown your paint without inflicting swirls. Smooth slick paint = optimum user experience = excellent results.

06-24-2017, 01:31 PM
Didn't see an answer to your question. You generally spray them on to cover a panel, or a portion of a panel, then wipe off, then buff to remove any streaks or remaining QD. Different towels for wiping and buffing is my preference, and I change towels often. I would not do a circular motion to remove product.

I spray than take a quarter-folded 16x16 microfiber towel and make one pass. Usually 2-3', or across one section. I go horizontal for no particular reason. I use a light touch and sort of roll the towel with my hand as I go to try and keep a clean surface on the paint. (Kind of hard to explain.) I then flip to a clean side, and make a new pass. If the towel is visibly dirty I'll do shorter passes or abandon using QD and move to a waterless wash. I'll never use a section of towel for more than one pass, no matter how clean it looks. May be overkill. I can go through a lot of towels. doing a QD or waterless wash. I'll generally use one clean section of towel to buff a panel.

I am using QD less and less. Many of us have almost quit using QD with so many good waterless options. Once I use up what I have I'm not sure I'll be buying any more.

Hopefully somebody will correct me if my explanation is wrong or confusing.

06-24-2017, 01:37 PM
This technique was posted by Michael Stoops of Meguiar's. It's the technique I use and teach for both quick detailers and Waterless washes:

California Drought Update and Ultimate Wash & Wax Anywhere (http://www.meguiarsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?63587-California-Drought-Update-and-Ultimate-Wash-amp-Wax-Anywhere&highlight=waterless+wash#XHAU6oLP43r02mVK.97)


06-24-2017, 06:52 PM
mist a section, use a microfiber towel folded in quarters, lightly spread it around, and then flip the towel over and buff off completely. no need to use heavy pressure which can lead to marring and soaking up the product quicker. try not to overthink it...

06-24-2017, 07:19 PM
Didn't see an answer to your question. You generally spray them on to cover a panel, or a portion of a panel, then wipe off, then buff to remove any streaks or remaining QD. Different towels for wiping and buffing is my preference, and I change towels often. I would not do a circular motion to remove product.

I spray than take a quarter-folded 16x16 microfiber towel and make one pass. Usually 2-3', or across one section. I go horizontal for no particular reason. I use a light touch and sort of roll the towel with my hand as I go to try and keep a clean surface on the paint. (Kind of hard to explain.) I then flip to a clean side, and make a new pass. If the towel is visibly dirty I'll do shorter passes or abandon using QD and move to a waterless wash. I'll never use a section of towel for more than one pass, no matter how clean it looks. May be overkill. I can go through a lot of towels. doing a QD or waterless wash. I'll generally use one clean section of towel to buff a panel.

I am using QD less and less. Many of us have almost quit using QD with so many good waterless options. Once I use up what I have I'm not sure I'll be buying any more.

Hopefully somebody will correct me if my explanation is wrong or confusing.

Didn't see an answer?

I think Eldo went into great detail and covered the OP's question perfectly.

06-24-2017, 10:37 PM
This technique was posted by Michael
Stoops of Meguiar's. It's the technique
I use and teach for both quick detailers
and Waterless washes:

California Drought Update and Ultimate Wash & Wax Anywhere (http://www.meguiarsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?63587-California-Drought-Update-and-Ultimate-Wash-amp-Wax-Anywhere&highlight=waterless+wash#XHAU6oLP43r02mVK.97)

Marc08EX did a D115 review that
highlighted the: "Michael Stoops
Waterless Wash Method" (MSWWM):


{Embedded therein: Ultimate Wash & Wax Anywhere - Tips & Tricks (http://www.meguiarsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?54112-Ultimate-Wash-amp-Wax-Anywhere-Tips-amp-Tricks) }

About the best RW/WW/Detail Spray
method on this, or any other planet!
