View Full Version : Detailing paint protection film edges

06-01-2017, 05:03 PM

My apologies if this has been answered before. I did a search and I could not find anything.

How do people detail near the paint protection film edges? Just like everyone else here, I put tape over the edge when compounding and/or polishing. I use the 3M 1/8" vinyl tape so that I can get as much as possible with my polisher. However, once you take it off, what if the both the film and the paint has some oxidation? If you look carefully, wouldn't you be left with a line?

Just wondering what people do about this.


06-01-2017, 05:54 PM
In most cases (depending on the age and brand of PPF), most are safe to polish on. You should check with the manufacturer to find that info out.

One has to be careful for two reasons: One; the polisher could potentially grab a corner or end and; second, the build up of product in the line.

You can use tape as you describe just on the leading edge, but if you're seeing oxidation, then you have far worse issues. Especially if it's clear-coat that is oxidized. I stopped taping off my PPF because it was a PIA. I can polish PPF on my vehicles, however, I usually try to avoid polishing on it, mainly because I'm not doing any correction on it, and secondly it adds more time. With that said, I don't mind if the polisher "crosses the line" without taping it off. I'd say do a small test spot, if it comes out, do work in larger sections and just use Erasure or N914 to remove the build-up along the line.

06-01-2017, 07:06 PM
I'll suggest using the Mike Phillips'
"Rule of Thumb" technique.

(Stay ~ 1/2"-3/4" away from PPF's edges.)



06-01-2017, 10:53 PM
I'll suggest using the Mike Phillips'
"Rule of Thumb" technique.

(Stay ~ 1/2"-3/4" away from PPF's edges.)


So you are left with a 1/2" to 3/4' strip in the middle of your hood that has not been detailed? What if there are swirls there? Wouldn't you see that under certain lighting after you are done detailing? I don't want the ppf line to stand out.

Audios S6
06-01-2017, 11:00 PM
It's a judgement call. Most vehicles are not going to be so bad that the 1/8" strip is obvious after applying an LSP, certainly not as obvious as a white line. I see too many cars with residue that it's not worth it to me, in most cases, to risk the residue. If the condition is that bad, then it becomes a judgement call if the film should be replaced anyway, or if the potential for a residue line is the lesser evil than the potential of an obvious 1/8" strip not blending in

06-02-2017, 07:34 AM
So you are left with a 1/2" to 3/4' strip
in the middle of your hood that has not
been detailed?

If it's not a full-hood PPF installation...
then Yes.

What if there are swirls there?
Wouldn't you see that under certain
lighting after you are done detailing?

I doubt it; but anything is possible.

I don't want the ppf line to stand out.
If it does, I bet it won't be because
of not detailing the PPF clear up to
its edge.
