View Full Version : Rained 7 hours after applying FK1000p. Did the sealant have enough time to cure?

05-22-2017, 09:45 PM
I've read sealants require 12 to 24 hours to cure. Did I throw away my morning?


05-22-2017, 11:19 PM
According to J. J. Jhaveri, President
of FK, the recommended cure-time
for FK1000P is: "24 hours, to a
couple of days."

1.) that recommended time period works
great...if you live in an Ideal World;
-but, in the Real World: sometimes the
cure-time is "just as long as possible".

2.) It wouldn't hurt a thing to apply a
second coat of FK1000P (for complete
coverage) as soon as you want---hoping,
this time around, that there's a longer
cure-time window available.

3.) No need to worry.
