View Full Version : Wax comparisons question

05-12-2017, 07:29 PM
Ok, I just watched this thread on here (like soo many) where the guy talks about how he took a car that was in need of a slight polish and wax, then waxes it and is like WOAAAAHHHH. THIS WAX IS THE BOMB!
Ok, if you take bird crap, put it on a da, and rub down a car with swirl marks all over it, then wax it with furniture polish the difference is going to be night and day. Has anyone here actually done a slight polish with the same polish to different parts of the car, then used different waxes side by side and actually told the difference when looking at it in the light? Can anyone here actually say they can see a difference between waxes?

05-12-2017, 07:33 PM
Ok, I just watched this thread on here (like soo many) where the guy talks about how he took a car that was in need of a slight polish and wax, then waxes it and is like WOAAAAHHHH. THIS WAX IS THE BOMB!
Ok, if you take bird crap, put it on a da, and rub down a car with swirl marks all over it, then wax it with furniture polish the difference is going to be night and day. Has anyone here actually done a slight polish with the same polish to different parts of the car, then used different waxes side by side and actually told the difference when looking at it in the light? Can anyone here actually say they can see a difference between waxes?

No. It's all in the polishing. 90% polishing 10% waxing.

05-12-2017, 07:50 PM
Can anyone here actually say they can
see a difference between waxes?
I can.

{Shoot...I can even type that I can,
if you would like me to do so.}


05-12-2017, 07:54 PM
So you polish with bird crap?

How does that finish down? Any dusting? ;)

05-12-2017, 08:00 PM
You can see the difference in types of waxes. I can attest to that from 1st hand experience.

That being said prep is the most important before applying any wax. Clay, compound and polish and prep. After that applying the wax is the LSP.

You can tell from a great wax like Pinnacle Souveran, Blackfire Ice, Polish Angel Black Wulfenite and many others. There are some I would not even waste my time with. I will not go into names as I do not want to cause a stink.

The lesser waxes will either ghost or have horrible beeding and sheeting characteristics, lack of depth and shine and are extremely finicky when applying or removing from your ride.

05-12-2017, 08:55 PM
I see...
How does collinite 476 fare against the waxes you've mentioned?