View Full Version : Hi,

05-11-2017, 04:54 AM
My name is Tandra Harrison. I enjoy writing which is based on latest information, ideas, and techniques. In free time I research on new developing technologies.

I am a passionate writer, blogger, and owner of

Edit: Spam Link to commercial website removed. -Mike Phillips

05-11-2017, 05:08 AM
that's really good to have your won website.

Mike Phillips
05-11-2017, 06:41 AM
that's really good to have your won website.

This person is a Spammer. Might be good that they have their own website but they cannot join this long-time established forum and use our reach and our community to hawk their wares.

This is laid out in the forum rules. Of course... spammers don't read.


Mike Phillips
05-11-2017, 06:42 AM
My name is Tandra Harrison. I enjoy writing which is based on latest information, ideas, and techniques. In free time I research on new developing technologies.

I am a passionate writer, blogger, and owner of

Edit: Spam Link to commercial website removed. -Mike Phillips

Finding and banning Spammers is like a sport to me. A sport I excel at.

I removed your Spam Link to your Spam Site and gave you an appropriate Avatar.

You gave yourself away when you revived a post from 2011 and of course, including the link to your website in your Sig Line.

See ya...
