View Full Version : Need some serious marketing advice

05-01-2017, 08:47 PM
About a year and a half ago, I fell in love with auto detailing. I started out detailing the truck I drove, which to this day is spotless and swirl-less thanks to you guys on here and Mike Phillips' videos on YouTube. Over the year and a half, I have learned a ton about the paint, how to restore it and make it swirl free, wetsanding, and the proper techniques to doing everything on every part of the car. As many of us detailers and posters here do it for a hobby, it can become an expensive weekend hobby to say the least. I have really become knowledgeable on the techniques, the products, and how/when to use them.

Over the last couple months, I realized that after doing family and friend's cars, that I wanted to do detailing more extensively and make some money while doing it. I've had trouble advertising and marketing my detailing. I have created a Facebook page, a twitter account, and even an instagram for people to view my work as well as business cards. I need your opinions on how I can attract customers to get more business as I would like to make some money for college. I charge more than fair prices and am a very good worker.

If you guys have any ideas at all please let me know. Thank you so much.


05-01-2017, 09:19 PM
All that i have to say that at first you have to hustle....alot

I would be gassing up my car and I would be talking to another guy that was filling up his car trying to sell myself

Try car shows, car meets, cruise nights, BMW clubs whatever etc. etc. etc.

It takes a long time to get to a point to where you are getting a lot a referral customers

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05-01-2017, 09:56 PM
You definitely want a website and you need to learn SEO so that your site can appear on the first search results people get. This takes time, so it's not a quick fix but on the long run it will bring you customers. If I were you I would not use any advertisement like Facebook or Ad words. They cost a fortune and the results are very disappointing. I used the free offer Google gives from time to time 100$ or 150$ off. I saw no increase in phone calls after the free offer ended. So I shut down the program.

Other than that, if you do not have a van with your logo on it, maybe make a sign you can put behind your van while you are detailing a client's car. Try to get some before and after pictures on a facebook post and ask your friends to share it with their friends.

Starting is pretty hard, the first clients are very difficult to get. Once you do start to have clients, ask them to comment on your facebook page so that their friends can see your work.