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04-29-2017, 06:15 PM
Just saw a commercial for AA wash & wax wipes. Apparently, you can just walk up to a heavily soiled car, wipe it off with a "wash wipe", hit it with a "wax wipe" and you're ready for a car show.

Damn, why have I wasted all this money on a polisher, pads, products, and MF towels???

:laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing: :laughing::laughing::awesome:

04-29-2017, 06:19 PM
Ha Ha. I recently saw the same commercial with the lady wiping down the Hellcat and I cringed!

Brandon Wetch
04-29-2017, 06:24 PM
This is actually funny because so many clueless people will scratch up their cars using these. I'm actually waiting for the day someone hires me to fix scratches caused by these abysmal products [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

04-29-2017, 06:49 PM
Has anyone actually tried them and confirmed they're horrible and scratch? I bet the same sort of assumptions were thrown around before rinseless washing became accepted. Just sayin.

Oh wait, it's Armor All, they make the worst products on earth and are responsible for the countless cracked vinyl dashboards we see on so many peoples cars...

04-29-2017, 07:10 PM
Barry Meguiar once told us a story of how he tried very hard to convince people to try his new innovative product that could change the way they washed their vehicles and make it so much easier and even faster in most cases...


But it was way back in 1981, and people were so far back in the past that even after demoing the product on peoples own vehicles and them seeing the great results with their own eyes... He still couldn't convince them to even consider it as a possible 2nd option to wash their own cars.

It said it wouldn't scratch right on the front label, but no one believed it. Silly gimmick...


Fast forward 25+ yrs. and finally it's gotten through peoples heads that it actually works. [and even today only a small percentage of consumers are familiar with this type of product]


04-29-2017, 07:23 PM
Good point, Eldo.

But, if you ever see the AA ad, a woman walks up to a car so dirty that you could grow vegetables on the hood, pulls a "wipe" out of the package, and swipes it to a newly clean finish.

Misleading at best. Damaging at worst.

04-29-2017, 07:34 PM
Good point, Eldo.

But, if you ever see the AA ad, a woman walks up to a car so dirty that you could grow vegetables on the hood, pulls a "wipe" out of the package, and swipes it to a newly clean finish.

Misleading at best. Damaging at worst.

Is it on par with the Meguiars commercial showing the new Wash+ bucketless wash?

On paper, this product being mentioned here sounds alot like a rinseless wash? They just make it easy for the common folk and provide the disposable towels [because average Joe will never get around to buying his own microfiber towels, or at least any quality ones] Which sounds more risky? This pre packaged Rinseless wash for Joe, or the bucketless wash? Be honest. Lol

04-29-2017, 07:43 PM
Oh, believe me. I know this would suit a average Joe to a tee. I just posted because to us here, it would be a no-no.

No, these are basically "wet naps". IMO, no way any product like this could pack enough lubricity to safely remove any grime off of a paint.

Plus, in the ad, the car in question is brown until she wipes it to reveal a nice, light blue finish. Lol

Sonic Pilot
04-29-2017, 07:44 PM
I have seen the recent commercials for this product. I too was amazed at how they suggested simply and casually wiping what appeared to be a very dirty car with a damp cloth was going to produce desirable results.
This is exactly why companies like this won't ever get any respect from and educated consumer. But their OK with that. Respect is not what they want....it's your money they are after. In their mind, the less you know, the better customer you are likely to be for them and the products they offer.

04-29-2017, 07:49 PM
Oh, believe me. I know this would suit a average Joe to a tee. I just posted because to us here, it would be a no-no.

No, these are basically "wet naps". IMO, no way any product like this could pack enough lubricity to safely remove any grime off of a paint.

Plus, in the ad, the car in question is brown until she wipes it to reveal a nice, light blue finish. Lol

Wait a sec. did you say she? It's a girl trying to wash that car? Oh my bad, that car will be scratched to the max once she's done with it... lol. That was just a joke! :)

Ok, but you've seen the Megs Wash + commercial too right? The 1 with that dude smiling as he struts around his thrashed white car caked in bug guts and grit all over the place... Then he proceeds to rub all over his car without even thinking of dragging out the bucket. That's bold! Lol

04-29-2017, 07:51 PM
I've seen these ads a ton of times now. I think I even saw one during Competition Ready. They might (and I use might with caution) be good if you don't have and PBs Bird Sh*t remover and a MF towel handy to wipe the bird poop off your car. Then you don't have to wash the nasty MF towel. Leaving the bird poo on the paint might do more harm than the thin AA towel. Might.

04-29-2017, 07:52 PM

And I think it's about the same thing. Lol

04-29-2017, 07:54 PM
This is exactly why companies like this won't ever get any respect from and educated consumer.

But remember, they're not targeting the "educated" consumer with this product. Same way Meguiars isn't targeting most of us on here with the DA Power System, but they're still selling it and someone's buying it and getting results.

04-29-2017, 07:57 PM
But remember, they're not targeting the "educated" consumer with this product. Same way Meguiars isn't targeting most of us on here with the DA Power System, but they're still selling it and someone's buying it and getting results.

Let's all pool our money and get Eldo a big box of AA wash & wax wipes for his birthday!! :buffing:

04-29-2017, 07:59 PM
Let's all pool our money and get Eldo a big box of AA wash & wax wipes for his birthday!! :buffing:

Take it easy! Lol

But it'll be some heck of a crow if those disposable towels turn out to be somekind of new technology weave [remember how the Griots Pfm came outta nowhere and changed the game for drying towels] Anything can happen, products evolving at a rapid pace and I'm sure companies have certain things under wraps because they're simply too good to release to the public... Crazy 10 yr. sealant and other Area 51 type nano phobic tech we ain't even heard of! Lol.
That's what the "trade secrets" are and why the R & D guys at Meguiars work in the building across the street and no one that attends TNOG has ever seen any of those dudes... They're like the secret service of detailing. Untouchable men in black. :)