View Full Version : Do blue shop towels scratch paint?

04-19-2017, 11:16 AM
Sometimes I'll use a quick detailer and blue shop towel to wipe off dirt or bird crap so I don't have to wash a whole new micro fiber towel when I'm on the road.. Is there anything wrong w/ using blue shop paper towels and a quick detailer for this?

04-19-2017, 11:18 AM
Depending on the paint, yes they will.

On my wife's Toyota, I can marr the paint with a swipe of my finger. MF towels have too if I'm not careful.

04-19-2017, 11:27 AM
Sometimes I'll use a quick detailer and blue shop towel to wipe off dirt or bird crap so I don't have to wash a whole new micro fiber towel when I'm on the road.. Is there anything wrong w/ using blue shop paper towels and a quick detailer for this?

My take is this: If you have to use the blue towel because there's nothing else, use it, especially for bird droppings.. that can wreak havoc. But it can marr or scratch paint. Heck, I've had cheap MF towels do that too.

04-19-2017, 11:27 AM

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04-19-2017, 11:31 AM
Paper towels are made from wood.

Wood fibers will mar paint.

04-19-2017, 12:56 PM
Any type of towel has the potential
to scratch paint. This potential often
boils down to the users' techniques.

If you're going to use "paper" towels
in the manner you described...I'll
suggest that instead of the Blue shop
towels, use the below product:



Setec Astronomy
04-20-2017, 08:03 AM
I feel your pain with wanting something disposable for bird poop. I don't think those Scott blue shop towels will scratch clean paint (in fact I use them for coating applicators--thanks to Anthony Orosco for that tip), but on a dirty car with dirty bird poop, it's always better to have a more three-dimensional towel for removal.

04-20-2017, 08:11 AM
Although it may not be the best option, I'm sure it's better than letting it sit and etch the paint.

04-20-2017, 04:04 PM
Sometimes I'll use a quick detailer and blue shop towel to wipe off dirt or bird crap so I don't have to wash a whole new micro fiber towel when I'm on the road.. Is there anything wrong w/ using blue shop paper towels and a quick detailer for this?

Anything (or just about) can scratch paint. The trick is to use proper lubrication when rubbing the paint.

So, if you example you want to remove bird droppings from your paint and all you have is a blue shop towel... Make sure to spray some quick wax or quick detailer on the area you will need to rub and gently remove it with the towel with as little pressure as possible.

You should always keep a microfiber towel or two in the car in case of emergency. I usually have 3. Once within reach in the door storage compartment. One in the glove box and one in the trunk.