View Full Version : first time usage on flex 3401 - bits spent product flying around .. normal

04-15-2017, 03:44 PM
using uber compound wg and after 2 sessions of 6-8 passes on the same spot.. im noticing bits of spent product flying around.. is this to be expected?

2nd question pls:

i still have a few swirls/ scratches.. these are not past the paint.but fingenail test.. i can feel it skip every so slightly into the scratches.. (white paint.. its dull white scratch part)..

should i attempt a 3rd session of uber into that section or am i removing too much paint by running a 3rd compound session into that area?

newbie questions sorry..but would appreciate the guidance so i know how to move through these types of scenarios for the rest of the car...


Mike Phillips
04-15-2017, 04:01 PM
That's called...


The product looks like tiny pills correct?

Too much product.

Clean you pad often and/or switch to a clean dry pad.


04-15-2017, 07:40 PM
tks mike.. yes.. tiny tiny bits of white specks....

im dialed down the drop sizes.. i was / am brushing off after each section pass .. probably its the size of the drops im applying..

im liking that flex 3401