View Full Version : Protecting cargo area

04-14-2017, 01:07 PM

I'm worried about putting scratches in the cargo area in my Denali. I have the weather tech floor liner but I don't want to scratch the sides. I put a towel on everything. I'm wondering if there is anything that protects the sides so I don't have keep using towels.


04-14-2017, 03:25 PM
About all I can think of is perhaps using carpeting.

That you could visit a carpet store, hopefully find small remnants of what I would say would be the best, would be an industrial grade-office type short nap carpeting, which often already has a heavy duty foam backing on it. Very durable this stuff is.

It could be custom cut with any pattern you wish. When not in use, it could either be rolled up, or just laid flat on the floor and would not take up any space.