View Full Version : How do you explain detailing to the uneducated customers?

04-09-2017, 07:42 PM
I dont mean this in a derogatory way but sometimes you might have a customer come in and want a service done on their car. Your idea of how things are done are different from theirs and yours is most likely correct but to be on the same page you really need to explain things to them. My question is really how do you do so? I feel like im at a loss at what to say sometimes

Setec Astronomy
04-09-2017, 07:45 PM
Bill, do you ever get that feeling of deja vu? I do.

04-09-2017, 08:23 PM
Bill, do you ever get that feeling of deja vu? I do.

not really

04-10-2017, 10:10 AM
so I was teaching this to my student during a polishing 101 class.

basically compare it to what they know so for example when I was explaining the process to a female client I have it went like this

a wash is just like washing your face it removes all the surface dirt
the clay bar is like when you wear a cleansing face mask it removes the embedded dirt and leaves the skin (paint) feeling smooth and clear
the wax is like a sunscreen, blocks uv rays and repels water, but like sunscreen doesn't last forever

when I talk about ceramic coats I explain it like this, a film screen protector on your phone protects it from scratches and marring but its not perfect. the film like a sealant makes it easier for things to stick to the phone screen and take some of the impact by allowing things to slide off but if enough force is applied it still effects the screen (clear coat) underneath

the same applies to ceramic coats, like the glass screen protectors they take the most damage then other protection but they can still damage the screen if something hits it just right.

so while those are not perfect it helps to put things into perspective for people. I can change the comparisons to most anything that my client can relate to so they can better understand.

04-10-2017, 03:57 PM
so I was teaching this to my student during a polishing 101 class.

basically compare it to what they know so for example when I was explaining the process to a female client I have it went like this

a wash is just like washing your face it removes all the surface dirt
the clay bar is like when you wear a cleansing face mask it removes the embedded dirt and leaves the skin (paint) feeling smooth and clear
the wax is like a sunscreen, blocks uv rays and repels water, but like sunscreen doesn't last forever

when I talk about ceramic coats I explain it like this, a film screen protector on your phone protects it from scratches and marring but its not perfect. the film like a sealant makes it easier for things to stick to the phone screen and take some of the impact by allowing things to slide off but if enough force is applied it still effects the screen (clear coat) underneath

the same applies to ceramic coats, like the glass screen protectors they take the most damage then other protection but they can still damage the screen if something hits it just right.

so while those are not perfect it helps to put things into perspective for people. I can change the comparisons to most anything that my client can relate to so they can better understand.

My best has been either contracting or yes, makeup or some other form of similarity