View Full Version : Application of Gtechniq CSL+EXOV2 did not turn out right

03-26-2017, 07:26 PM
All, I'd appreciate your help with this one.

I decided to apply Gtechniq CSL+EXOV2 on one of my vehicles. Although I had previously applied Optimum coating I have not applied Gtechniq until now.

Obviously I corrected the paint properly, and wiped down all the panels using Carpro Eraser, just prior to application of Gtechniq.
Since I wanted to try this out first on one panel before attempting the whole vehicle, I applied CSL first and then EXOV2, on that one panel. Once CSL was applied, it took about 20min before EXO V2 was applied.
I waited a bit in order to examine the application of SCL and prepare for next step...

CSL went on nicely, just as described online. I followed all Gtechniq instructions. As soon as I applied the CSL, I immediately wiped the panel with a clean MF towel, and then followed with another clean MF towel.
Now the problem:
When I applied EXOV2, I noticed this "hazing", I guess you can call it. The application process was very similar to that of the CSL therefore, added a few drops to a supplied pad and applied to a panel nicely and evenly.
I checked everything under the light, etc. Then I did an intitial MF wipe and a final MF wipe.
However, the "hazing" would not go away after repeatedly wiping with MF towels. I could not remove it.

I applied this coating in my garage...57F and 66% humidity


03-26-2017, 07:57 PM
Try another panel where CSL was left to cure for one hour before EXO.

03-27-2017, 07:19 AM
This is what I was following, however I didn't do the whole car.

Q: Can it be layered/stacked?

A: We do not recommend stacking layers of Crystal Serum over previous layers of Serum (you can but our tests have shown that it doesn't offer an advantage), but you can stack layers of EXO or C2 over Serum to give surfaces the ultimate dirt and water repellency.

Q: How long after applying CS can I apply EXO or C2?

A: Because Crystal Serum cures very quickly, you can apply these ultra hydrophobic top coats (this is optional!), right after finishing your CS application. Just start at the same start point and follow the same order of panels you did when you applied CS.

Justin at Final Inspection
03-27-2017, 07:27 AM
Need to wait about an hour depending on humidity etc. Sounds like you may have applied EXO too soon.

03-27-2017, 05:25 PM
A lot of the time if a topper coat is done always wait an hour. It's to let the carrier solvents fully evaporate more than anything else and that's what causes the streaks in a lot of applications. You end up mixing different solvents together and it's not so good.

03-27-2017, 05:39 PM
I've seen this before -- on my own car. It went away. However, it was 22PLE topped with some EXO v2. There may be some differences in the bonding and petroleum distillates, but it went away. I'm not sure if it was the curing period or if excess was eventually wiped/washed away, but it went away.

Another possibility to consider is that there could be some micro-marring of the surface. These silica crystals, when precipitated and accumulated in the applicator, can actually scratch the surface.

You could either try another panel and wait a bit longer with more frequent rotation of the applicator and gentle buffing or wait a bit longer to see if it cures or levels.

03-27-2017, 10:03 PM
all good advice...thanks very much

03-28-2017, 06:13 AM
All, I'd appreciate your help with this one.

I decided to apply Gtechniq CSL+EXOV2 on one of my vehicles. Although I had previously applied Optimum coating I have not applied Gtechniq until now.

Obviously I corrected the paint properly, and wiped down all the panels using Carpro Eraser, just prior to application of Gtechniq.
Since I wanted to try this out first on one panel before attempting the whole vehicle, I applied CSL first and then EXOV2, on that one panel. Once CSL was applied, it took about 20min before EXO V2 was applied.
I waited a bit in order to examine the application of SCL and prepare for next step...

CSL went on nicely, just as described online. I followed all Gtechniq instructions. As soon as I applied the CSL, I immediately wiped the panel with a clean MF towel, and then followed with another clean MF towel.
Now the problem:
When I applied EXOV2, I noticed this "hazing", I guess you can call it. The application process was very similar to that of the CSL therefore, added a few drops to a supplied pad and applied to a panel nicely and evenly.
I checked everything under the light, etc. Then I did an intitial MF wipe and a final MF wipe.
However, the "hazing" would not go away after repeatedly wiping with MF towels. I could not remove it.

I applied this coating in my garage...57F and 66% humidity


Maybe there is a outgass time frame before applying exo.

03-29-2017, 09:33 AM
Well, that's what I'm going to investigate next. Curing times, etc.

03-29-2017, 06:00 PM
I am sorry this happened to you, but I know exactly what took place.I am used to operating with gtechniq, soooo... once CSL is applied Gtechniq says you can go right ahead and apply exo, this is true, however the "fine print", they also say no need for panel wipe but it can be used, so that gives off a "ding"! However panel wipe should not be used right after CSL.They also advise that exo should be applied with the same formation as CSL to bond evenly, and I am 100% sure thats what happened here, you applied CSL and it wasnt "cured" and the applied exo and thus moved CSL during its curing time and fused it with exo... I no that sounds confusing but thats what happened. Normally if you use heat lamps this would not be an issue but for ambient temps it can be... Your best bet it to apply CSL and wait at least 12 hours and then apply exo... you will be guaranteed to issues there... hope this helps :)

03-29-2017, 08:19 PM
The old Gtechniq combo, C1 topped with Exo, the company´s instructions emailed at me (I asked them before trying it) was wait four hours before applying the second layer.

I believe the first layer has to harden, but not fully cure, before apllying Exo, or else it wouldn´t bond properly.

I wonder if CSL topped with Exo is different.

It seems the first layer was too ´soft´, and marred.

03-29-2017, 08:36 PM
This is what Gthecniq UK says "Apply Crystal Serum Light first following the instructions from the Crystal Serum Light web page.
Once applied you can, without waiting or needing to use Panel Wipe, apply the EXO directly over the Crystal Serum Light. #We recommend you apply EXO to your vehicle's panels in the same order you did when applying the Crystal Serum Light. #And as with the CSL please follow the instructions from the EXO web page".

The reason why I think they are hinting a curing time,its when I saw they mentioned the Panel wipe, because that can't be done just after. But you are right the initial layer needs to be "hardend" prior.

05-08-2017, 09:49 PM
Think you are correct.

I did try once again but after 4 hours of curing and there was far less hazing. Although still some present.
A few days later I coated a different car (white in color) and applied CSL, left it to cure for at least 12 hrs before applying EXOV2 and no hazing at all. This led me to believe that it is indeed the curing time.

Additionally, I applied EXOv3 to yet another vehicle thereafter and this latest EXO product is far easier to apply than EXOv2.
For anyone looking to but V2....go with V3.

Thanks for all your help

This is what Gthecniq UK says "Apply Crystal Serum Light first following the instructions from the Crystal Serum Light web page.
Once applied you can, without waiting or needing to use Panel Wipe, apply the EXO directly over the Crystal Serum Light. #We recommend you apply EXO to your vehicle's panels in the same order you did when applying the Crystal Serum Light. #And as with the CSL please follow the instructions from the EXO web page".

The reason why I think they are hinting a curing time,its when I saw they mentioned the Panel wipe, because that can't be done just after. But you are right the initial layer needs to be "hardend" prior.

05-08-2017, 10:19 PM
np bro... :) great product!

05-08-2017, 10:51 PM
How long after the application of the EXO did you wait to wipe it off? I know in those temps which were quite similar to what I have done a few lately. The only one I did that was EXO right after CSL was a bike for my step son a few weeks ago and it was around 90 sec wait for the level and buff. It was probably 30 mins between the finish of CSL and the start of the EXO all the others were probably 12~18 hours later, but either way the results were very good.

Other than going too soon the only thing I can think of is a little too aggressive in the leveling/buffing process. The EXO just doesn't wipe off as nice as the CSL and they do say that wipe gently to not disturb the coating in the early stages of curing.

Here are a couple shots of the Bike.
