View Full Version : Glass streaking with Pinnacle Glass Sealant

03-26-2017, 05:59 PM
I cleaned my windows today and then applied Pinnacle's Glass Sealant with a microfiber pad. I let it sit for 15 or so minutes. When I wiped it off using a microfiber towel I noticed some areas was harder to wipe off and then some areas streaked. Could applying too much provide these results? I only put 3 or 4 drops on the pad for each glass. Has anyone else had these results?

03-26-2017, 06:26 PM
I am intimately familiar with this product. I have been using it since the day it came out. A couple of tips:

1. Best way to apply it is with a Car Pro coating block and a blue mechanic's paper towel. Use cross cross patterns & spread the product out as much as possible.


2. You only need to apply a few drops of this product at a time. Anything more is too much. This means a bottle will last a lifetime - I think I have like 4 bottles.

3. Forget 15 mins. I recommend letting it sit for at least an hour. I usually apply it right after washing; then vacuum, dress trim/wheels, apply LSP, eat a sandwich - and then remove it. Letting it dry in the sun is a plus.

4. Do your final buff with a clean short nap towel & DI water.

If you do as I recommend - it will work well. It's a very good glass sealant that lasts a long time.

03-26-2017, 08:10 PM
I am intimately familiar with this product. I have been using it since the day it came out. A couple of tips:

1. Best way to apply it is with a Car Pro coating block and a blue mechanic's paper towel. Use cross cross patterns & spread the product out as much as possible.


2. You only need to apply a few drops of this product at a time. Anything more is too much. This means a bottle will last a lifetime - I think I have like 4 bottles.

3. Forget 15 mins. I recommend letting it sit for at least an hour. I usually apply it right after washing; then vacuum, dress trim/wheels, apply LSP, eat a sandwich - and then remove it. Letting it dry in the sun is a plus.

4. Do your final buff with a clean short nap towel & DI water.

If you do as I recommend - it will work well. It's a very good glass sealant that lasts a long time.

Thank you very much. I was on a short time frame today so I figured I would get all 6 windows out the way today and get the exterior next weekend. Applying the sealant only a few drops at a time on the microfiber pad probably put it on a little heavy so definitely will get the car pro block. I also like the distilled water and microfiber towel because I went back over it with Pinnacle glass cleaner and that seemed to get most of the streaks out, but I really don't like wasting product.
