View Full Version : Washing ideas- I think my neighbours think I maybe a bit strange...

03-21-2017, 02:02 PM
So I don't know what many people think about this but going to put it out there as haven't seen it on the forums yet.

how do you all wash your cars? I have a black Audi ( solid ) which has incredibly soft paint, although it's a daily and I accept it won't be perfect I try my best.

i have adopted a new idea for washing ( probably not that new )

use the two bucket method, use a jet wash bt to add even more lubrication I run the hose down the car when I am washing with my mitt.

is this a good idea? I just feel in case the jet wash misses any dirt this adds a bit more protection from surface scratching.


03-21-2017, 03:41 PM
What car shampoo are you using? If you use one that offers higher levels of lubrication it shouldn't be an issue. I use Poorboys Super Slick with Suds and the mit just glides over my black VW with no issues at all.

Are you talking about flowing water over the area while you're washing it? I'd think running the water across the same panel your washing might actually dilute protection being offered by the shampoo itself and lessen the cleaning ability due to the shampoo being rinsed away while you're trying to wash.

03-21-2017, 04:20 PM
Possibly that's a point actually.... and auto finesse lather.. ph neural one

03-21-2017, 05:29 PM
Mike P does something similar for his gentle approach to washing cars except he uses a foam gun as he glides the mitt.

It's in the video in this thread. It's at the end at the 24 minute mark.


03-21-2017, 06:36 PM
Consider a coating, maintance washing is much easier. AG has a great selection $75-$100 US.