View Full Version : Megs D181 vs. D101.. Interesting results

03-16-2017, 12:02 AM
Meguiars D101 APC @10:1 vs. D181 Leather Cleaner. If you've ever used either of these products for cleaning leather, you've probably asked yourself what could be so different between the 2. According to Meguiars, D181 is said the be a stronger cleaner than D101@10:1, yet somehow manages to be milder on the leather... Well I think I found definitive proof about the 1st part of that statement. Check it out...

Earlier today I decided it was time to give my interior a thorough cleaning, my 1st idea was to steam clean the seats, but I decided to go a bit lighter on the cleaning and instead try out my horsehair brush which I bought a while back but still hadn't used yet.. I wasn't expecting much in way of cleaning power because after all, it's just horsehair... Boy was I wrong.

So I begin by spraying D181 directly onto my front passenger seat and begin lightly scrubbing with the little horsehair brush, looks good so far, I go immediately begin wiping it clean with a soft terry towel and look at this. Whoa! Lol.

For anyone that's wondering, that's not just dirt that came off..


Looks scary, I know, but it's ok because it's my own car. Lol. On the + side it left the seat super clean. I had to try it again on the rear seat just to make sure it wasn't a fluke.. So I rinsed and dried the brush and tested on the backseat, same results. Wow. This has never happened quite like this when I just use a terry towel w/D181 to clean my seats.


By this time I figure it's 1 of 3 reasons why this is happening, but I'm not overly concerned, after all my seats still look good.. That's when I got the idea to test how D101 would react on the 3rd seat, and there was a big difference. D101@10:1 was much less aggressive in strength. Just look at the difference.


As expected, D101 left a much tackier feeling to the seats immediately after wiping clean, but it went away shortly after. D181 didn't have that effect..

Hopefully this sheds some light to anyone who's wondering about the difference in strength between these 2 products. I don't think they've ever been compared side by side quite like this so I figured I'd post for people to see.

Thanks for reading.

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03-16-2017, 12:15 AM
Now's the perfect time to try this for the 1st time.[emoji6]


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03-16-2017, 12:24 AM
Did it pull the top coat off the leather? Those leather brushes are worth the money. The dense pile of hairs really get into the texture of the leather.

03-16-2017, 12:28 AM
Did it pull the top coat off the leather? Those leather brushes are worth the money. The dense pile of hairs really get into the texture of the leather.

To be honest I think I pulled the top coat off a while back.[emoji18] I've done so many wild tests on my car I almost lose track of when it exactly happened. I'm fortunate it still looks good.[emoji846]

I've pulled color off before... I guess I'm just surprised at how much came off with what I thought was going to be a rather weak approach to cleaning. I guess I underestimated the little horsehair brush. The color never comes off when I spray D181 onto a soft clean terry towel and wipe the seats clean.

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03-16-2017, 12:47 AM
Did it pull the top coat off the leather? Those leather brushes are worth the money. The dense pile of hairs really get into the texture of the leather.

been looking for a dense horse hair brush and have been using the SM Arnold one that AG sells but really wish the bristles were a bit denser. Is that brush shown in the first photo the kiwi horse hair leather shoe brush?

Thanks for showing your results. I've never tried 181 but have been curious of it's effectiveness on leather vs diluted APC. Does D181 produce a foaming lather that lifts the dirt like D151 or is it low-foaming? I've never used a dedicated leather cleaner because I didn't they they were actually more effective than an APC. Plus, I always wipe the leather down with d114 or ONR to neutralize the high alkalinity of the cheap APC so D181 would also save a me from doing that additional step.

How do D181 smell? Thanks for sharing Eldorado2k

The Guz
03-16-2017, 01:05 AM
This is why I told you long ago that D181 was better than APC cleaning leather. Nicely done.

03-16-2017, 02:42 AM
been looking for a dense horse hair brush and have been using the SM Arnold one that AG sells but really wish the bristles were a bit denser. Is that brush shown in the first photo the kiwi horse hair leather shoe brush?

Thanks for showing your results. I've never tried 181 but have been curious of it's effectiveness on leather vs diluted APC. Does D181 produce a foaming lather that lifts the dirt like D151 or is it low-foaming? I've never used a dedicated leather cleaner because I didn't they they were actually more effective than an APC. Plus, I always wipe the leather down with d114 or ONR to neutralize the high alkalinity of the cheap APC so D181 would also save a me from doing that additional step.

How do D181 smell? Thanks for sharing Eldorado2k

I meant 101 not 151

03-16-2017, 08:41 AM
Yes, D181 will foam when aggitated.

03-16-2017, 09:24 AM
been looking for a dense horse hair brush and have been using the SM Arnold one that AG sells but really wish the bristles were a bit denser. Is that brush shown in the first photo the kiwi horse hair leather shoe brush?

Thanks for showing your results. I've never tried 181 but have been curious of it's effectiveness on leather vs diluted APC. Does D181 produce a foaming lather that lifts the dirt like D151 or is it low-foaming? I've never used a dedicated leather cleaner because I didn't they they were actually more effective than an APC. Plus, I always wipe the leather down with d114 or ONR to neutralize the high alkalinity of the cheap APC so D181 would also save a me from doing that additional step.

How do D181 smell? Thanks for sharing Eldorado2k

It's not the Kiwi brush. I got this brush for $3 bucks on the bay...


1st time I used it and it seems pretty cool. It measures 5.5" in length and the bristles are 3/4" and just firm enough to do the job.


I just opened my 2nd gallon of D181 but I don't usually scrub with a brush.. For as much agitation as I gave it with the horsehair brush, it was low foaming/almost no foam at all.
Note: D101 didn't foam either during this scrubbing.

It smells like yellow colored clean scent. Not yellow banana, but yellow clean. Hope that makes sense. Not offensive at all and the scent dissipates quikly similar to how D101 does.

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