View Full Version : Optimum Opti-seal new formula ?

03-15-2017, 11:43 PM
Was just looking on autogeek and noticed the opti seal says new formula with increased slickness. When did this happen? Has anyone tried it? I'm wondering if it's worth picking up even though my bottle from last spring is nearly full.
Love this stuff!

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The Guz
03-16-2017, 01:32 AM
As far as I know the formula has not been updated in some time. I believe it's the lack of the page being updated.

03-16-2017, 01:58 AM
Ya it's possible, I bought a bottle last April but i don't remember the website saying new formula.

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03-16-2017, 02:12 AM
Mine is the new formula and I purchased before last April. It has a silver sticker on the bottle saying 'NEW FORMULA'

Setec Astronomy
03-16-2017, 05:31 AM
As The Guz noted, this change was made, looks to me, in 2012. My guess would be AG updated the product page then, to highlight the new version (vs. the original which came out in 2007) and it hasn't been updated since then. Let's see...2007...2012...2017...seems like we're due for another new version this year!

Just kidding Dr. G...we'll take a tire coating instead.