View Full Version : Blast from my past

03-13-2017, 12:25 PM
I recently started going through old family photos. I was amazed at what my dad took pictures of. He had a Canon AE1 program. For anyone who knows about old 35mm cameras of the 80's, this was among the ones to have. I think that camera might even still be somewhere in our house. He loved that camera. Had various lenses and flashes. And back then camera's did not get obsolete in a few years like the digital cameras do now.

Anyway, one of the photos I found was this gem:


That is a 1981 Caddy. For those that remember it had the infamous V8-6-4 . That was my Grandfathers car. Ironically he never had any major problems with that engine, he was probably one of 5 :) He would come over to our house every Sunday morning or so, spend some time with my parents, and pay me to wash his car. Whatever it was he gave me, Im sure I thought it was a lot of money. I guess this photo was probably 84-85ish? I was maybe 12-13?

That was a HUGE car, only amplified in size by my smallish stature. It had single stage paint because one time sealed it, and a ton of red paint came off on the rag I was using (what did I know back then?). Seems like it needed some protection in this picture to!

I still have, and still use that same bucket! They made Rubbermaid to last back then!


03-13-2017, 02:53 PM
Did you have a grit guard in that bucket? :)

03-13-2017, 05:17 PM
They still make Rubbermaid to last. Always my first choice in plastics.

03-13-2017, 06:02 PM
That is really cool post.

Thanks for sharing that!

03-13-2017, 06:23 PM
Awesome. I love those old caddies. Can you imagine what one of those would cost in today's market made with the same materials?!? I can't even fathom. My uncle had one about that same vintage. It was literally like riding in a yacht on the ocean. The ride was soooo smooth.

Klasse Act
03-13-2017, 06:29 PM
That is a great post right there, my late Dad had the same camera, it was THE one to have back in the day without a doubt.

Isn't it funny how a normal cellphone takes pictures with 1000% better quality than the very best camera back in the day, things have come a long way for sure!

03-13-2017, 06:31 PM
The Canon AE-1...the first fully electronic shutter camera to hit the market. I had the predecessor model which had a partially electronic shutter (some speeds electronic and some mechanical). The AE-1 was the first mass marketed SLR on TV (if I recall correctly John McEnroe was a promoter) and pushed Canon to the forefront of the SLR market. It was a great camera for the amateur and advanced amateur market. I also fondly remember my deep blue Olds 88 with the landau roof...the first car that I ever had professionally detailed. Amazing how similar the body style was to your caddy. Thanks for the memories.

03-13-2017, 06:38 PM
Way cool pick! I graduated HS in 1979....LOL