View Full Version : Gyeon Booster...anyone tried it?

03-10-2017, 09:11 AM
Thinking of maybe giving this a go over the top of CquartzUK or McKees Paint Coating. Product blurb says it increases the `self-cleaning` abilities of a coating. Curiosity is getting the better of me...

Seems like perhaps the pro-only Gyeon offering of their Durabead product (Gyeon Q2 MOHS + Gyeon Q2 Bead) is possibly comprised of their consumer MOHS + (re-labeled) Booster?

Used Gyeon MOHS on a vehicle 2 weeks (about 100 miles or so) ago but don`t wanna taint that vehicle with the Booster as I`d like to see how the MOHS holds up on it`s own. Gyeon says it can be applied over an existing coating at less than 2000km but still...

Gyeon Q2 Booster is a extremely innovative fluorine based topcoat for all SiO2 quartz based paint protection coatings, enriching the surface with an extremely hydrophobic (water hating) surface. The effect of this is that GYEON Q2 Booster makes water bead like never seen before on quartz coatings with tight uniform beading with a contact angle of up to 120° with the effect lasting up to 12 months at a time. We`re not afraid to say, that Q2 Booster is the longest-lasting beading top coat in the world.
Because of Gyeon Q2 Booster makes the surface of the paint so hydrophobic there is a huge increase in self-cleaning properties combined with superb anti-static properties. It also ensures anti-graffiti properties, making the removal of any type of staining easy and fast
The application of GYEON Q2 Booster is also very easy. Prepare the surface, ensuring an oil/grease free finish and apply moderate amounts in a criss-cross motion. Thanks to the fast evaporating formula, GYEON Q2 Booster requires only light and easy polishing.
GYEON Q2 Booster works on all types of quartz coatings meaning it is compatible with quartz coatings from other brands.

03-10-2017, 11:49 AM
Works great. Just be sure to use it out of direct sunlight and that the surface is nice and cool.