View Full Version : Prevent Tire "Bloom"

03-05-2017, 01:37 PM
So, I've been using DG 253 for years on my Michelins (several sets). I probably apply it once a month, average, always after a good wash. I've never had a problem with blooming/browning on my tires. Once in awhile I'd get a little, but nothing terrible. Well, this winter I've been behind in my details. Haven't applied 253 in 3 months or so. And I now have massive brown/blooming going on. It's leading me to believe that my frequent application of 253 was actually preventing "bloom". Maybe it was acting as a sealer, of sorts, so that the ozonants were unable to migrate to the Tire surface.

Anyway, just thought I'd share. It will be interesting to see if the blooming stops when I get some 253 on the tires again.

Just a sidenote- this set of tires have about 10k mikes and are a year old. This is the first episode of "blooming" on these tires. Last year I kept up well with frequent 253 application until winter hit.

03-05-2017, 02:11 PM
I also use the 253 and have found it lasts about twice as long when I clean the tires with Mothers Back to Black Tire Renew.

03-05-2017, 02:22 PM
-If DG #253's polymer "coating" can
keep water and other contaminants
from penetrating its protective film
layer for a certain period of time...

-then, conversely, it should also be able
to stem-the-flow of the tires' "blooming"
components for an equal time period.


03-05-2017, 05:16 PM
Also to note-- if the 253 on tires isn't exposed to water, it looks like it was just applied for about 2 weeks. At 3 weeks, it starts to become muted, but definitely still there (tires still have a clean look). It's gone by about a month, but my gut tells me it's still "sealing" to an small extent, probably why I never notice any blooming.

If it does get wet, it'll degrade much faster, although one or two brief water exposures (or one touchless car wash) will still get me to the 2-3 week mark. Driving in an all day rain, now that's a different story.