View Full Version : How does this product survive???

03-03-2017, 11:47 PM
This is about a product not carried by AG...thankfully they don't carry it. I am continually amazed when I shop at my local auto parts store and continue to see Nu Finish Car Polish on the display shelves. It's advertised as the once per year polish and implies that it's an all-in-one product.

I used this product on my then new 1987 Pontiac 6000 STL. I thought it was pretty good when I first used it, but after a couple of years I noticed that even after applying there was no bead up and my paint was drying out. That was the beginning of my education process about polishing and waxing i.e. proper detailing. Fortunately I was able to restore the finish with a real polish and protect it with a good protector.

Nu Finish is neither a polish nor a wax and I don't know what it is. All I know is that it's lousy stuff and I can't believe it's still on the market. I guess that there are still enough naïve people out there like me 30 years ago. Fortunately we have the internet now and can learn from each other...and of course the products today are far superior.

Anybody else out there that tried this stuff or have a similar horror story?

03-03-2017, 11:54 PM
Why the sudden urge to bash a chemical
Company, and one of their products?


03-04-2017, 05:23 AM
This is about a product not carried by AG...thankfully they don't carry it. I am continually amazed when I shop at my local auto parts store and continue to see Nu Finish Car Polish on the display shelves. It's advertised as the once per year polish and implies that it's an all-in-one product.

I used this product on my then new 1987 Pontiac 6000 STL. I thought it was pretty good when I first used it, but after a couple of years I noticed that even after applying there was no bead up and my paint was drying out. That was the beginning of my education process about polishing and waxing i.e. proper detailing. Fortunately I was able to restore the finish with a real polish and protect it with a good protector.

Nu Finish is neither a polish nor a wax and I don't know what it is. All I know is that it's lousy stuff and I can't believe it's still on the market. I guess that there are still enough naïve people out there like me 30 years ago. Fortunately we have the internet now and can learn from each other...and of course the products today are far superior.

Anybody else out there that tried this stuff or have a similar horror story?

well to be honest with you i thought it was a polish that had to have a wax coating applied over it. Never really thought otherwise going by how they advertise it. did you make the mistake of not waxing the car after using it? Nuvinyl is pretty good stuff

03-04-2017, 06:45 AM
I think the best description is a cleaner sealant - part paint cleaner (non abrasive) and part sealant.

03-04-2017, 07:01 AM
I highly doubt NuFinish caused your issue. Millions of people, myself included, have used it over a long period of time with no problems at all. If you were using it once per year, you were not applying it often enough. I doubt it actually lasts a year on anything short of a vehicle that spends the majority of its time in a garage. I used to get a solid 6-7 months or a bit longer of durability out of it. I quit using it years ago due to the fact that it stains trim, smells horrible, and has cleaners in it. I don't particularly have a need for cleaners each time I wax/seal a vehicle. The cleaners in it actually do a decent job of bringing back shine on somewhat neglected finishes. At least, that was the case with the older versions of it. I think the last time I used it was around ten years ago.

03-04-2017, 07:41 AM
I was just doing some searching figuring it was owned by a company that had shelf space and was and easy add for the stores (say owned buy Gunk brand or one those type you always see in chain stores or auto parts stores. But it looks like its a private company with a handful of products non of which look stellar. So my guess is cheap for the stores to buy and allows them larger mark ups to be at the same retail price as major players like 3M or Meguiar's.

03-04-2017, 07:50 AM
Thanks for the comments guys. Perhaps my post was a little harsh and maybe even unnecessary. It just kind of bugged me when seeing it on the shelf last week and brought up bad memories.

For the record I used it twice per year but for some reason it lost it's effectiveness on my car. It didn't act like a normal polish otherwise it would have restored the shine when applying. Nor does it mention that one should apply a sealant after using. Nevertheless if it works for some, then it may be a worthy product.

03-04-2017, 08:35 AM
The first time I (traditional) random orbitaled my 1988 Buick Regal - in 1996, was with a 10" Craftsman, and some NuFinish.

My best friend to this day showed me how he used it. Great memory for sure.

As far as the product, it's one of the best things to seal Zildjian cymbals with. Everything else gave the bronze a nasty orange hue. NuFinish perfectly sealed them, preserving a beautiful golden luster.

I used it on my car that one time, but later went on to using the Meguiar's Deep Crystal System with either Gold Class Wax, or Medallion as my finisher.

03-04-2017, 09:50 AM
I actually like it and still keep it in my detailing arsenal.

For heavily oxidized non clearcoats like 80s & 90s red and black single-stage paint, I have found it easy to use and low stress to get really clean paint. A good sealant or wax over the top of a clean finish gives really solid results. No knock on it from me. I wouldn't call it a go-to product, but it certainly has its uses.