View Full Version : Coating over 1 week old paint??

03-02-2017, 07:47 PM
Detailing a car for someone that wants it finished with Optimum Gloss Coat. When it was delivered yesterday he told me the passenger door was just repainted last week (base/clear).

I'm guessing that putting a coating on that door isn't a good idea but I'd like some responses from more experienced detailers. Please let me know your opinion. Thanks!

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03-02-2017, 07:59 PM
Tell him to leave it alone for at least 30 days, it needs to de-gas the surface. Putting a coating on it right now will not be a good thing for fresh paint. Best thing to do, coat the whole car except the door and tell him to come back later after 30 days so you can coat it.

03-03-2017, 09:42 AM
Don't do it. The paint has not fully cured, and your putting yourself in the position to pay to have his door repainted again if you do. Although the paint was "Customer ready for delivery", the underlying base coat needed to de-gas and the top layer of clear needs to FULLY cure. From a production standpoint, car paint is ready for the customer to pick up his vehicle about 48 hours after paint is applied. If paint shops went by "Ready for everything", then it would take about 2-3 weeks AFTER painting to deliver the vehicle, which would create a huge backlog.

03-03-2017, 09:54 AM
Best thing to do, coat the whole car
except the door and tell him to come
back later after 30 days so you can
coat it.
I'll only add the below suggestion
to the above sage advice:

During that 30 day waiting period...
Protect the door with a product like
Meguiar's M305.


03-03-2017, 12:26 PM
It was said "Opti-Coat" could be applied to fresh paint, though I would still suggest waiting. I'm also not sure if that statement applies to Gloss-Coat.