View Full Version : Looking for guidance

02-21-2017, 12:27 AM
Looking to start detailing part time and I am trying to make up a logo for cards and social media profile pictures, how did you guys make your logos? Is there a website, did u pay someone? Any help would be wonderful

Thank you

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02-21-2017, 07:49 AM
Lots of ways to go about doing this. You could seek out a freelance graphic artist (Craigs List) etc..
Contact a local media-art school, where they may post on their interweb for any interested students looking for a project.

Your logo should mean something to the company and to you. You'll also want to make sure that it will print well on all forms of media (most people don't take this into consideration). To include, print, cards, banners, promo flyers, t-shirts, etc... Simple colors are usually best for this.

My logo was created by a graphic designer who captured what I was looking for. Most detailing logo's are outlines of high-end performance cars.
I'm an old-school classic-car kind of guy, so I wanted to have more of an older classic vehicle look... The swirls around the vehicle are indicative of a flurry of activity or some movement or action which will occur... and of course the sparkle on the fender means it's shines! :)

As far how I found the graphic artist???? I married her. You'll have to find your own... :)

Good luck!

02-21-2017, 08:38 AM
Thanks Paul ! This helps a lot I never thought about looking on Craigslist

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Paul A.
02-21-2017, 09:35 AM
Good tips, Paul!

02-21-2017, 11:51 AM
My name isn't Paul - can I still post on here? Lol.

Paul has some great tips for you! I personally went a different route, but similar to what he said, my logo has in it what was important to me. Fancy? No. But it has what I want. I knew I needed a logo but wasn't sure the best way to come up with one. I had in mind a few things I wanted in regards to color and the business image I was wanting to convey. I ended up finding the rough design on some business cards I was designing online (YouPrint.com is where I used). What originally drew my eye was the initial with the circle around it. The font with it wasn't what I had in mind so I played around with that, changed colors, etc. until I found what I wanted.

Whichever route you take, I recommend you think long-term. You'll want brand consistency. If you want a color in your logo, will that color look good on shirts, flyers, business cards, etc? What is the business image you are trying to present? What is your target market? Try to design a logo with those things in mind. I know you're just planning to start part-time, but even if you decide after 2 years that you want to pursue something else, the time and effort you put into growing your detailing business will give you good experience in anything else you get into. So I recommend looking long-term and considering what market you're appealing to.

In my opinion, it's good to keep your logo relatively simple and easy to read also. Paul's is a great example.

02-21-2017, 09:33 PM
That's all I'm looking for is nice simple and something people will remember when they see it !

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