View Full Version : How to touch up around quarter size paint chip

02-18-2017, 08:59 PM
Hello Everyone.. I have a leased car and have to return next month. On the bumper there are few places where paint has been chipped off, I think due to rubbing against the metal guard while parking. Chip area is smaller than a quarter, may be around the size of a nickel. I'm thinking of fixing it by myself.

I'm a pretty handy person but never done this kind of job. I have already ordered the touch up paint from the dealership which should be here sometime next week. I searched on you tube, read articles but most of the time they are using touch up paint for smaller job/stone chips. I want your opinion on how to tackle this job.

The chipped area is grey, I'm not sure if its a grey primer or the metal, can anybody tell me by looking at the pictures? Do I need to get primer for this touch up?

I also read in one of the thread to not sand the paint, only the clear coat. What if paint goes little thicker, can it be sanded? What grit sandpaper should I use?

Can you list the steps I should follow to get this touch up done. Thanks so much for your time and help with this :)


02-18-2017, 09:16 PM
I never had much luck with touch up paint from an auto store/dealer. I never had to touch up areas that large, but for smaller things like rock chips Dr.Colorchip is awesome. Perhaps that may be something to try.

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02-18-2017, 10:49 PM
The gray looks like primer. I'd just purchase touch-up paint from a dealer. Clean it with alcohol and start touching it up with paint. Let it dry in between coats. Your just trying to camouflage it. Keep in mind that sometimes less is more. Hope it works out for you.

02-21-2017, 09:30 PM
This might help: How to Repair Paint Chips & Deep Scratches (http://guidetodetailing.com/damage-repair/how-to-repair-paint-chips-deep-scratches/)

02-21-2017, 10:27 PM
You can make it less noticeable, but metallic makes it harder.

Since you're returning it, I would just clean and add a few thin coats to build it up some.

Use a thin rag with solvent to wipe off any paint that's not down in the area that you are filling after each application.

Shake the heck out of the paint before each coat and try to make the coats smooth and even.

02-22-2017, 07:03 AM
Hello Everyone.. I have a leased car and have to return next month. On the bumper there are few places where paint has been chipped off, I think due to rubbing against the metal guard while parking. Chip area is smaller than a quarter, may be around the size of a nickel. I'm thinking of fixing it by myself.

I'm a pretty handy person but never done this kind of job. I have already ordered the touch up paint from the dealership which should be here sometime next week. I searched on you tube, read articles but most of the time they are using touch up paint for smaller job/stone chips. I want your opinion on how to tackle this job.

The chipped area is grey, I'm not sure if its a grey primer or the metal, can anybody tell me by looking at the pictures? Do I need to get primer for this touch up?

I also read in one of the thread to not sand the paint, only the clear coat. What if paint goes little thicker, can it be sanded? What grit sandpaper should I use?

Can you list the steps I should follow to get this touch up done. Thanks so much for your time and help with this :)


Touch up or not the manufacturer is more likely gonna charge you for that when you turn it in.If you lease or buy the same car brand they may overlook it.If not they will charge you double.Better to fix it right now or pay more later.Speaking from the experience of leasing personal cars and listening to client stories.Chase bank allows up to 1500 in damages when leasing thru them.

02-22-2017, 08:30 AM
Touch up or not the manufacturer is more likely gonna charge you for that when you turn it in.If you lease or buy the same car brand they may overlook it.If not they will charge you double.Better to fix it right now or pay more later.Speaking from the experience of leasing personal cars and listening to client stories.Chase bank allows up to 1500 in damages when leasing thru them.

^This! Although lately at the dealership I work at, the hit customers are taking for not having stuff fixed has been less than the actual repair cost. It definitely fluctuates and flip-flops up here in the north east. For a spot like that customers have taken about a $150-200 hit, and for my shop to actually fix it properly and make a profit, it is double that.

02-23-2017, 12:54 AM
Thanks for your suggestions. Will do multiple light coats as you guys have suggested. The touch up paint also comes with the clear coat so I hope after the few coats of paint and clear coat on top will make it less noticeable. Should I sand final coat of paint and then do clear coat or sanding is not usually required?

Nissan does allow some allowance for the paint chips but couldn't get any definitive answer from the dealership if these are okay or not. I think its better to be safe and try to fix it rather than leave it as it is and get hit by their high charges.

02-23-2017, 06:19 AM
Usually leasing manufacturer sends out a predamage rep to look over car prior to turn in.I had a Honda Accord leased brand new and a friend did some inferior work on the quarter panel.Rep came out looked over car said looks good,2 months later they pick up car.3 months later they send me a very inflated repair bill.Had to pay it but they will let you finance the repair bill.One thing I've learned never involve friends in any thing that has to do with repairs.