View Full Version : Speed Carpet Cleaning!!?!?

02-06-2017, 09:09 AM
Finally, after nearly 3 weeks since I bought it I was able to make an attempt to clean my newly purchased 2014 Sorento. Previously I had a 98 Prelude and my body certainly took a beating in dealing with the additional interior real estate and mess therein that I found.

I spent about 1.5 hours crawling around scrubbing the rug and carpeted mats with the end of my ShopVac 5gal's hose and a pair of dish brushes. I unearthed a children's pair of swim goggles, pen parts, a pencil, hair ties and loads of small white hairs that were in most cases, seemingly impossible to extract without hand plucking each one. The carpet wasn't so much filthy with stains or spilled beverages (that was more so on the console and other plastic parts - need to clean that all at some point), but mostly residual human deposits and child-filth.

What I'm looking for from the wealth of this forum's collective knowledge are any methods or tools that could be more effective, thorough and faster at pulling the hair and stubborn grit, fuzz, sand and other reluctant debris from auto carpet?

My Sorento's carpet is charcoal gray and has a somewhat short nap. I wouldn't call it plush, but it's somewhat dense.

I did poke around the web before posting this and did find the following tools along with my impressions:

pumice stone - does it get just the hair or is it also removing bits of the carpet too?
rubber brushes - I've used these before on furniture and maybe it was just the types I've used, but they've always seemed to be a let down in dealing with cat hair.
lint brushes - roller tape ones are great, but expensive and wasteful. The fabric one I have (shaped like a little football) does work well, but maybe there is a more automated or "power" way to do this?
DA with bristle disc - seems cool, easy, but is it really releasing hair and debris or is it just swirling it around deeper into the carpet pile?
duct tape - probably cheaper than a roller lint brush, might be worth trying

I also had a lot of difficulty getting to dirt, dust and debris in tight spots like between the sides of the back seats and the pillar trim or along the rocker panel and seat track trim.

So, any wisdom on a better way or confirmation that carpet just generally sucks to clean is fine. Hope you folks have some kind of magic potion, but if not, I'll accept the reality of the nature of the job.

02-06-2017, 09:41 AM
Yes, hair of all sorts is a pain in the butt. I use a pumice stone, a rubber block, or sometimes just drag my gloved hand over to pull them out.

I brush while I vacuum a lot. Brush in one hand, nozzle in the other moving them together. It's a good workout. And toothbrush type brushes, but stouter, for the hard to reach places like around the seat rails. A crevice tool for the shopvac can help, but I rarely pull it out and just use my small brushes.

02-06-2017, 09:48 AM
Instead of duct tape....use painters tape....it will pick up hair and leave a lot less residue......

02-06-2017, 09:51 AM
briar, yeah, good call! Don't want to make it worse by leaving duct tape adhesive in place of hair removal. :)

02-06-2017, 10:51 AM
I use a pumice stone, have for years and have never seen any degrading to my 2016 SUV. I also use it weekly on clients cars with nothing but great results plus you can get them at the dollar store

02-06-2017, 11:18 AM
A brush for your DA will be a valuable tool for you. Use this to scrub the carpet before vacuuming as you'll stir up a lot of the embedded stuff. Then you'll be able to use a good foaming carpet cleaner and scrub when its dirty.

Next, some toothbrush like brushes are great for those hard to reach areas.

Pet stone, as mentioned, is great for removing hair.

And finally, some detailing swabs. I cant really link them but if you search, you'll find them.

Firehouse Mike
02-06-2017, 03:34 PM
Some carpets are more of a PITA than others for sure! I have a nozzle with short (1/4") stiff bristles that does an amazing job with pet hair. I cant remember where i got it from, I'm thinking an old house vac I had at some point. If i ever loose or break it I'll be in a world of hurt. The Rubber Pet Brush (http://autogeek.commerce-search.net/redirect?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.autogeek.net%2Frubbe r-pet-brush.html) works very well too!
I also found a light spritz of foaming carpet cleaner such as Meguiars Carpet & Upholstery Cleaner, Meguiar's Carpet Cleaner, Meguiars Professional carpet cleaner (http://autogeek.commerce-search.net/redirect?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.autogeek.net%2Fmegui ars-carpet-cleaner.html) works great to loosen it up. And lots of persistence and patience!


02-06-2017, 04:40 PM
I haven't done this but it sounds like good advice...compressed air. Blow loose everything before you vac. I dont currently have access to an air compressor, but it sounds like a good idea. Folks with an air compressor chime in.

Firehouse Mike
02-06-2017, 05:57 PM
I do use air too. Really helps to blow out loose debris from under seats and from in the tracks. Mini vans with sliding seats will always have crud down in the tracks. Compressed air blows it right out. I have a 2-gallon compressor for this and blowing off pads when doing a correction. Works great!
