View Full Version : The Power of WATER

02-04-2017, 11:50 AM
When it comes to cleaning interiors, I have found that water, plain ole water can be a powerful tool, for those of us that dont have powerful tools. For instance, nasty cupholders? Saturate with water and let it sit, it breaks down the gunk and makes it easier to clean. Rubberized dash panels (like on the FIAT 500, and the 350Z) that get sticky. I used plain old water to wipe these down and it did a surprising good job without damaging the delicate surface. And windows. nothing to date Ive tried does a better job at cleaning windows than water. Spritz, wipe with a terry cloth towel, dry with anotehr terry cloth towel. Never a streak!

Anyone else have luck or examples of using water alone?

02-04-2017, 12:04 PM
Water is nature's solvent. It's the only liquid I recommend to any of my customers if they ask about maintaining their interiors. Most interior cleaners are like 90-99% water anyway.

02-04-2017, 01:52 PM
I've used water to "steam clean" engine
bays and their contents...as well as many
other vehicle components.


02-04-2017, 09:52 PM
You`d be surprised at how clean you can get a dirty interior with steam, towels, and a vacuum.

02-04-2017, 09:57 PM
I usually use water and car soap to clean my car ��

Also try a microfiber dipped in hotwater to loosen and clean very filthy cup holders, dash and crusty interiors (I don't have a steam cleaner).

02-05-2017, 01:08 AM
Water is nature's solvent.


Let this be a warning of the potential
havoc that could be inflicted upon
vehicles' paint systems by too frequent
use of a free-flowing water source...while
either performing the "rinseing operation";
or, even from just wanting to see how water
will "sheet" off/from vehicles' panels.



02-05-2017, 08:16 AM
I like it

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02-05-2017, 10:51 AM

Let this be a warning of the potential
havoc that could be inflicted upon
vehicles' paint systems by too frequent
use of a free-flowing water source...while
either performing the "rinseing operation";
or, even from just wanting to see how water
will "sheet" off/from vehicles' panels.



That is some serious clear coat damage.

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02-05-2017, 10:57 AM
I use very hot water in my Absorber chamois. Ring it out than wipe down the interior. Keep refreshing with new hot hater and ring it out, move to the next section. Works phenomenal.

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