View Full Version : Ink Spots in Beige Cup Holders Town and Country Van

01-14-2017, 08:25 AM
I have a customer who seems to be satisfied but I am not.
I had no idea that it was ink when I started with all purpose cleaner. The large M&M size drop had hardened right in the bottom corner pocket and it was hard as a pebble. 5+ different products were used. I even tried a small screwdriver thickly padded with microfiber cloth and IPA at 90% to 'wedge it out'. No luck. Grabbed my steamer with a small round brush wan whamo the ink ended up all over the sides of the beige ( now black ) map holder. Rear third row seats. The steam itself had settled down and it was then that I could see the results. Back to every cleaning solution I had tired before by hand. It was coming out very slowly with 90% rubbing alcohol . But not very good. I saw a can of 3M Citrus Cleaner and it was much much better. Got all the darkness out except that it is now a light shade of grey. I pointed this out to the customer and they said that was fine and not to worry about it. This was opening day for me and I had been knocking on doors and filling paper boxes for the past two weeks. My first paid customer.
If there is a solution it would make my day.

01-14-2017, 08:46 AM
Yeah, I'm the same way. My own worst critic. I just have to let it go and learn from the experience. The customer says their satisfied. Maybe their not as particular as you. I think is "I'm not getting a gold star on this one, no referrals, ####". I often find my mind goes right to the worst case scenario, not necessarily reality. Just move on, don't worry about it, and do the best you can. Easier said than done but once done, it gets easier. Sorry, no soulution for the ink. I've run into the same problem and got the same results as you, tried everything. Good luck with your new business, hope you find great success.



01-14-2017, 08:49 AM
Magic Eraser.

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01-14-2017, 09:05 AM
Magic Eraser.

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Makes it better but not "perfect".

01-14-2017, 09:11 AM
Makes it better but not "perfect".

IME Magic Eraser lubed with hand sanitizer gets permanent marker off of plastic perfectly. That's the exact combo I've used maybe a half dozen times in order to give me a clean slate and change the description on this bottle. 100% removed everytime.


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01-14-2017, 09:16 AM
IME Magic Eraser lubed with hand sanitizer gets permanent marker off of plastic perfectly. That's the exact combo I've used maybe a half dozen times in order to give me a clean slate and change the description on this bottle. 100% removed everytime.


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I think the OP is referring to an ink pen not a permanent marker. I agree with you concerning permanent marker.

01-14-2017, 09:19 AM
I would've thought permanent marker trumps inkpen? I don't know for sure.

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01-14-2017, 09:25 AM
Not a dried and caked ink stain.

01-14-2017, 09:29 AM
You're tempting me to go outside and write a few words on my door panel & cupholder and test it out. Lol.

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01-14-2017, 09:44 AM
You're tempting me to go outside and write a few words on my door panel & cupholder and test it out. Lol.

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Not a dried and caked ink stain.

Break an ink pen, let it ooze, form a puddle and sit until dried and caked. I agree writing on your door will not be a problem.

01-14-2017, 09:50 AM
Break an ink pen, let it ooze, form a puddle and sit until dried and caked. I agree writing on your door will not be a problem.

Nah that's a bit too bold for even me to try on my own car. Lol.

I draw the line right around using Megs D108@4:1 on my leather seats and scrubbing it in with a nylon brush... It survived that test just fine. But I'm not about to break any inkpens, and there shall be no oozing going on inside my ride. Lol.

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01-24-2017, 10:23 AM
Try a original product called dissolve it..removes ink stains

01-24-2017, 01:19 PM
Ink Spots?
Loved their music way back when!
(Still do)



01-24-2017, 01:48 PM
Ink Pen.....hairspray has worked for me the one time I needed to remove a mark

01-24-2017, 04:50 PM
I thought he said he got the ink off and is looking for something to return the color to the plastic...darker gray??