View Full Version : Do people ever ask for some of your products?

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01-06-2017, 02:01 AM
Earlier this week a co worker of mine asked me if I had anything to clean leather seats that made them smell like leather... I asked what his deal was.. He said that he recently gave someone a ride and that person stank up his Honda and he's been looking to clean it up ever since. Lol.

And since he knows I detail cars he's interested in buying a bit of the stuff I use/recommend.

I told him, "1st of all, you might want to skip those leather products that try to smell like leather, because most of them miss the mark and just wind up smelling like dry oatmeal" lol. I told him I've got something that smells way better than oatmeal.[emoji57]

Today he reminded me about bringing him some tomorrow, that way he could get to cleaning the stench off his seats.. My 1st thought was to hook him up with some leather cleaner & conditioner, but if the seats are as bad as they sound, then it's only proper that they're thoroughly cleaned 1st..

So I'm going to set him up with this:
32oz. Megs D101@10:1
16oz. Megs D180 Leather Cleaner & Conditioner
Terry applicators to apply the D180
[I had to go to the store to get the spray bottle & applicators. I was hoping to find ketchup squeeze bottle but they didn't have any, so I used empty water bottle]

He's a nice guy, So I'm only gonna charge him $10 bucks. Not too bad eh?


What do you think? Fair? Too little? Or? Do people ever ask you for just some product?

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The Guz
01-06-2017, 03:53 AM
Should have had him pay you to do it. I would have set him up with sample size bottles but that is just me. But you went all out and hooked him up. That is a good friend.

The only person to ask me for stuff is my brother. Other than that nobody else has.

01-06-2017, 04:26 AM
Should have had him pay you to do it. I would have set him up with sample size bottles but that is just me. But you went all out and hooked him up. That is a good friend.

The only person to ask me for stuff is my brother. Other than that nobody else has.

A couple weeks ago I forgot my wallet, so I asked him if he could loan me a couple bucks so I could get something to eat... All he had on him was $3 bucks and he gave it to me. The next day I went to pay him back and he refused and said it's all good, something about take care and hopefully it may come back when it's needed down the line... That's why I went out of my way to hook him up.[emoji4]

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01-06-2017, 06:02 AM
I would just let him use the stuff for free and return the unused back to you.

Paul A.
01-06-2017, 06:18 AM
I have had a few customers either ask me about specific products or materials i use and one customer asked where i get my stuff. He owned a BMW M6 and had a keen interest in maintaining what i did for him. I turn them on to Autogeek online.

I'll have the ocassional neighbor ask how to do this or that and i'll either do it for them if it's quick or give them a small sample of product with instructions. I ordered 100 4 oz. and 2 oz. plastic bottles from US Plastics a couple years ago and use them now for samples.

01-06-2017, 06:54 AM
If it were me personally I wouldn't charge him at all. The fact that he refused to take back the money proves his a good guy and whats $10 between friends or in the big picture anyways? Infact I would do the actual job for him free as courtesy but thats just me, been brought up to help people and if you a religious man God wil reward you atleast 10 fold.

01-06-2017, 07:09 AM
If it were me personally I wouldn't charge him at all. The fact that he refused to take back the money proves his a good guy and whats $10 between friends or in the big picture anyways? Infact I would do the actual job for him free as courtesy but thats just me, been brought up to help people and if you a religious man God wil reward you atleast 10 fold.agreed.yesterday I took some paint transfer off a fender for a lady and it was so easy I didn't charge her.She was so happy I gave her some cards and you never know what might come from that.

Paul A.
01-06-2017, 08:01 AM
I do the same thing...do quick freebies for friends and neighbors. I also hand them a few cards as well when i'm done.

01-06-2017, 08:37 AM
I have a ton of little 1oz bottles with spray tops and solid lids. Usually for my customers I give them some samples of Wolfgang Uber or detail mist mixed up if they show an interest or likelihood of using them. That "little something extra" goes a long way. I do the same for friends. Occasionally and depending on the product or person, etc. I may put together a small give bucket.

I get 100% of my business from word of mouth, referrals and repeats so the selfless acts of giving usually go a long long way especially in such a competitive space.

01-06-2017, 08:54 AM
I wouldn't charge him if he was willing to give you his last 3 bucks. I know it hurts a little looking at those big bottles of product because they weren't cheap, but I believe, it's the gesture that counts.

01-06-2017, 09:09 AM
I wouldn't charge him for the products, he sounds like a good guy. I would offer to help him if he would like, that would be another person that could be a potential referral source.

The Guz
01-06-2017, 12:40 PM
A couple weeks ago I forgot my wallet, so I asked him if he could loan me a couple bucks so I could get something to eat... All he had on him was $3 bucks and he gave it to me. The next day I went to pay him back and he refused and said it's all good, something about take care and hopefully it may come back when it's needed down the line... That's why I went out of my way to hook him up.[emoji4]

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See you left the most important part out. In that case you should just do it for him as a courtesy.

01-06-2017, 01:23 PM
$5 bucks it is.

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01-06-2017, 03:00 PM
I give away stuff...especially when I have concentrates and I can make someone a bottle of something and its not really an expense to me. I just have them bring their own bottle. Im not a pro, but I do have more products than I will ever use on my own.

01-06-2017, 05:10 PM
I give stuff away all the time. I take screenshots of product names and instructions, print them, and then tape them to the little sample bottles I prepare. It's so little off my back and it makes people happy. Always fun to share things we are passionate about and teach others.