View Full Version : How To Properly Use Detail Spray/Quick Detailer (Video)

12-06-2016, 11:26 PM
Hello Geeks!

I know, I know the majority of this board knows how to use detail spray. However alot of newbies do come on here and i feel this is excellent information as we all know about the hack information that can be found on YouTube, watch the wrong video and you can cause upwards to a 1,000 dollar in damage to your car.

Although the majority of the board understands, I still understand that we all like to watch videos about what we love to do! So i would greatly appreciate the support of my channel!

expect more videos to be coming out, I have alot that i have to do some editing to. So make sure your subscribed.

Got some exciting stuff coming up, I have a ton of stuff to review from Griot's such as the PFM towel Wash Mitt, and i have not even scratched the surface on the Boss Creams ;)

Sorry i have not posted as much on the forums, as we all know the cellphone app went to out of WACK! i do have the tapatalk app however i do not like it. I am a simple person and i dont like apps that over complicate things, i like the original AGO app. so expect me to be more active.

Enjoy Guys!


Dan Tran
12-07-2016, 05:16 AM
Joe thank for putting in your time and effort into this video.

As we all once were newbies...all newbies alike will benefit from your experience.

Sent from my iPhone using Autogeekonline mobile app (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=87407)